Jnes 1.0.2 released

posted by Jabo Jnes
In the last release display filters in full screen were not working and I've noticed a few users have been asking about it recently. I've uploaded a maintenance release that should fix this issue, as well as a few others that have accumulated over time.

This release also features a new installer using NSIS, which gives the project some nice polish. Also take a look at the translations included, we could use a few asian catalogs, if anyone wants to contribute a new language please leave a comment with a link to it.
Comments 378

Felipe 1265505553000 #1

hi, i'm a translator and i'd like to send my updated/fixed translation to you, can u give me an email address to send it?

squall_leonhart 1265534134000 #2

still no HQ filters even super eagle would be better then 2xSaI

Iconoclast 1265552649000 #3

NSIS is cool.

In this case I liked the ZIP extraction more. There were fewer steps, and it didn't ask for Vista UAC permission.

Thanks for the update.
REPLY updated 1265552767000

NickWhite 1265553385000 #4


First of all, thanks for this great piece of software.
I tried other emulators, but JNES fits my needs better.

Unfortunately, 2 of my games don't work as expected, and have virtually the same problem.

F1 Race:

Race America (JNES):
Race America (Nester):

As you can see, when cornering in the game, the road margin is not rounded well in JNES, but in Nester it is.

Nester homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/nester-emu/

JNES 1.0.2
Windows XP SP3

Jabo 1265621133000 #5

hi, i'm a translator and i'd like to send my updated/fixed translation to you, can u give me an email address to send it?

Can you upload it to either http://www.emutalk.net or a file sharing website like http://megaupload.com and post the link?

still no HQ filters even super eagle would be better then 2xSaI

Yea just a maintenance release nothing shiny and new, altho I haven't heard super eagle in a while

NSIS is cool. In this case I liked the ZIP extraction more.

Glad you like it, the winzip sfx I was using looked terrible and wasn't free, I don't like the UAC either tho...

Unfortunately, 2 of my games don't work as expected, and have virtually the same problem.

I'll have to update the bug tracker and help area after I look at that a bit more, it's timing related.
REPLY updated 1265621326000

squall_leonhart 1265633091000 #6

yeah, SaI doesn't look too good when stretched, you notice little star like patterns across the corners of textures.

Support for Kega Filter files would be a big + imo.

nonick 1265641917000 #7

Why not additionally provide a simple ZIP archive?

Felipe 1265744778000 #8

hi, here is the link to download http://www.4shared.com/file/218750114/cf07e6c8/Brazilian_Portuguese_Jnes_102.html

btw, it would be cool if you added support to translate more stuff in jnes.

Beholder 1265768717000 #9

Hello, I've finished czech translation of Jnes. You can download it here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1YISAX7W
REPLY updated 1265799655000

Rob 1265824193000 #10

The Adventures of Dino Riki (U) [!] is not displayed correctly

Jabo 1265824625000 #11

hi, here is the link to download...

Cool thanks for the submission, we already have a Portuguese translation, can you help me understand why this one is better before I replace the old one? I noticed words like Game Genie were removed?

Hello, I've finished czech translation of Jnes.

Thanks for the submission!

fr33kSh0w2012 1265846294000 #12

yeah hi Astyanax doesn't work but it worked fine with 1.01 all i get is a grey screen other then that

jailhousews 1265866754000 #13

In this version I noticed a little stuttering in the audio when I play Kirby's Adventure, as well as a faint whining sound that goes away when I uncheck PCM.

squall_leonhart 1265875153000 #14

"yeah hi Astyanax doesn't work but it worked fine with 1.01 all i get is a grey screen other then that"


Jabo 1265916411000 #15

The Adventures of Dino Riki (U) is not displayed correctly

Well it never seemed to work properly so at least it's not new, thanks for the info tho
REPLY updated 1265916442000

Felipe 1265919330000 #16

Jabo, the previous translator translated several words wrongly, he didnt even care to look at dictionary to see what the words meant.

Btw, 1 suggestion, instead of drawing method it would be better if the word "Filters" was used.

Jabo 1265965429000 #17

hehe thanks Felipe!

Felipe 1266008794000 #18

you are welcome.

Gerhalt 1266221293000 #19

I just wish some mod to be made to the latest jnes. Well, I use 2 vers of it: 102 and 053. I liked it when I first heard that. I suppose u know what I'm talking here about. A simple routine dividing noise 1 & 2 to the left & right channels accordingly, that's why I left ver0.53 and oh, by the way I'm sure that elemental effect will create new experience for retroplayers like us.

Gerhalt 1266222584000 #20

You know, I've got so many wishes for those greatest guys who wrote jnes for us. There're plenty of troublesome nes emulators out there, but this is THE ONE & THE ONLY. Now, if you don't mind, I'll post some request regarding Jnes. Here I go:
nsis's not bad, sfx's better
stereo like in 0.53
modern icon with vista's 256x256 fmt

Ryu 1266479630000 #21

Hy! You did a great job with this emulator. I'm a little sad because The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles is not working very well.
In all the stages the image go up and down when you stay, climb the stair, fall etc.
I think the problem is the mapper.
Anyway, this is the only emulator to play The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles. I've tested this on Nestopia, FCEux without any luck.
So, great job and maybe in the next release you will fix this game or mapper.

Thank you very much and good luck in your life.

roy_mustang 1266844707000 #22

Hello! I wanted to say i liked the new version. But i ask you to provide support for the "Pin*Bot" game. This game have 2 regions and both don't work. I think they use one unknow mapper.

PS: Since you are back in jnes developement, any plans to go back in pj64?

AoOs 1267017942000 #23

Would you guys be interested in assisting in the development of a plugin for XBMC ?

It's being discussed right here:

I would love it - and afaik it shouldn't be too hard.
Write me at: aoos [AT] aoos.dk if you wanna hear more.

Secondly: How about a setting so when I go fullscreen (1920*1080) it won't stretch? I don't mind black bars on the sides, as long as the aspect ratio isn't disturbed.

Jabo 1267043073000 #24

Anyway, this is the only emulator to play The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles

Yea I noticed the screen shakes a bit

PS: Since you are back in jnes developement, any plans to go back in pj64?

I'm not necessarily working on either on a regular basis unfortunately, PJ is also a bit harder to work on because it's significantly more fragile

squall_leonhart 1267084178000 #25

not to mention the buggy parts are in the app and not the plugin atm.....

Shadow 1267460889000 #26

Im bored so how to translate this emulator? i want to make in romanian language

me 1267796759000 #27

Thanks for the update! Great nes emu!

pico1 1267950412000 #28

Not sure what's going on but this version doesn't work right either. When I got to 1024 in windowed mode I like using software emulation. When I choose that the sound and game lags. Even when I switch to full screen it doesn't work.

me 1268994894000 #29

Are you still working on Jnes? Like bugs with the jnes in some games and what not? Thanks for the emu. Its very well layed out and I really like the options you have in the emu.

fr33kSh0w2012 1270984349000 #30

Yeah um Hi Jabo would you Please make an update on the sound system i get this static and a weird clicking hissy pitch when i play also could you please put the extra sound channels in some games actually require this (sound cues) i can't remeber which one did but i remember playing it i think it was GN'G

joe 1271026961000 #31

where the hell is the link to download this release??????????????

squall_leonhart 1271066451000 #32


Bamm 1271589367000 #33

The file Folder.jpg under artwork is a WinXP folder. Since I just upgraded to Windows 7, the folders look different now.

To solve this, I extracted the Windows 7 folder icon from the DLL, and created my own Folder.jpg file. If you want a copy email me at bamm@astronomy.com.ph.

My suggestion is for the installer to have both files, detect the Windows version and install the proper Folder.jpg file accordingly.

Jabo 1271690054000 #34

The file Folder.jpg under artwork is a WinXP folder. Since I just upgraded to Windows 7, the folders look different now.

Yes it is outdated, it's one of the reasons I made it an external image maybe I'll look at extracting it from the OS sometime.
REPLY updated 1271690069000

EelkoBerkenpies 1272430562000 #35

Perhaps http://nsis.sourceforge.net/UAC_plug-in can fix the UAC problem? Please keep in mind that I haven't looked at the current Jnes package and it's been a while since I played with NSIS.

On topic; glad to see that this project is still alive (I have been using it since around 2006 on a not so regular base but it was and still is my favorite emu for Windows) and thanks for putting your effort in fixing bugs.

SolidlyStated 1273956589000 #36

Great! My 1.0.2 auto-notified me that this new release was available. Awesome work

Victor 1274107994000 #37

Great EMU, metal gear works great.
I do have a problem that you may be able to address.
I have a fan made port of FFVII, I have seen screenshots from it so I know it works on something.
My problem is that when I try to play it on Jnes I get the following message on the bottom bar.

Error: Mapper #163 unsupported

What does this mean?
and what can be done about it?

Victor 1274108201000 #38

Sorry I forgot to post the full name of the game I mentioned.
It might be hard to test without the game I think.
Here it is-
Final Fantasy VII (China) (Unl) [En by Xaronyr EnCardier v0.97]

squall_leonhart 1274138381000 #39

Modified and hacked roms are unsupported.

Alias12 1274210998000 #40

Does the new installer support portable installation (any folder, no registry usage)?

squall_leonhart 1274926634000 #41


Voldo83 1275532484000 #42

Hi. Every time I try to config my joystick the program crash. I can auto config but the only thing that is enjoyable is the directions, the start button doesn´t work and B, A and rapid fires lays on wrong buttons. Otherwise the best nes emulator EVAH!

Shall I try a older version? I play in native res and don´t need any filter.

Jabo 1275654766000 #43

Shall I try a older version? I play in native res and don´t need any filter.

Yes, additionally when you say `config my joystick` which button specifically are you pressing the causes the crash? What kind of gamepad is this?

Voldo83 1275819993000 #44

I use Trio Linker Plus from Hkems, it´s an adapter for PSX/Ps2, GC and DC. I tried Hori digital controller for GC today and everything worked fine, before I used DC arcade stick, but something must have went wrong, cause in other emulators i could input the keys right but sometimes left and right input got stucked for example, Mario continue to run in right direction after I had released the joystick.

I have probably mixed something up, so I will check it up.

I will let you know if I have problem again. Thank you for the replay and for a fantastic emulator.

Zane 1275963862000 #45

I would like to see a video recorder like what fceux has, dont get me wrong jnes is a great emulator, but its sorta pointless to record videos on it if you can only watch it on that emulator, specially if it's video's of stuff you want to show off, being cheats, game play, etc.

I just believe if a newer version is ever made that this be consider, because I believe this emulator has much to offer,, and I know I'm not the only one here that believes so!

Jabo 1276018974000 #46

but its sorta pointless to record videos on it if you can only watch it on that emulator

Have you seen the playback dialog? There's an option to render to an AVI, the capture option just gets raw data movie. There's a guide in the help section as well for what good settings for XviD are.

rastachucker 1277325774000 #47

There are a couple of issues that I had not only with the last version but the ones before it as well it with the save states sometimes I will press F5 to save the state and then sometimes when I go back to load it tells me there is no saved state is not there are was never there at all which is really frustrating when you trying to finish a game. I am running vistas now but it also happen in xp as well. Also I have notice that in the last version of jnes is that in vistas in full screen mode when I would go to save the state it messes with the sound really badly so badly in fact that I resorted to only playing it windowed mode.

squall_leonhart 1277339373000 #48

this is because you hit a number key and changed save slots.

JADIN! 1278103604000 #49

yooo congrats on your engagement that's awesome!!!

raskolnik 1278230082000 #50

Yes, additionally when you say `config my joystick` which button specifically are you pressing the causes the crash? What kind of gamepad is this?

Having the same problem with the joystick. I'm using a USB-based one (it's actually a PS2 dualshock run through a converter, which Windows sees as a generic 4-axis 16-button gamepad). After auto-configuring it works, although the buttons are mapped strangely (start to R2, for example). If I try to manually configure it, the key gets mapped to "Z + " and there's no countdown to change the mapping. Hitting "Setup" (under "Additional Devices:") crashes jNes entirely.

Newest version of jNes, Windows 7 x64.

Anonimous 1278391827000 #51

Thank You for great emulator!

Jabo 1278851309000 #52

If I try to manually configure it, the key gets mapped to "Z + " and there's no countdown to change the mapping. Hitting "Setup" (under "Additional Devices:") crashes jNes entirely.

There was a hack I put in PJ to workaround an issue with PS2 dualshock Z-Axis, and it wasn't put in Jnes correctly. I'd be curious to hear if PJ works for you - I don't think Jnes should crash, my expectation is that it would hang.

arl 1278918806000 #53

Super Mario Bros. + Tetris + Nintendo World Cup:

Loads but has gray screen and can't play

squall_leonhart 1278948412000 #54

all 3 work fine.

gabrielwst 1279359687000 #55

Hy Jabo! I´ve finished my translation for the German language even and hope to get a note from Masterprogrammer Jabo if I can send you the ger.msg file for to put it in Your next version (I hope 1.0.3) Just give me a sign, a comment in this forum here, please, and I send it !!!
...Much Greets, and much success in the future of Your Jnes Projekt from Gabriel West!

gabrielwst 1279424595000 #56

The german translation from Gabriel S. was uploaded now !! Here You can download it: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=55QLUDAA

Jabo 1279471874000 #57

The german translation from Gabriel S. was uploaded now !!

Fantastic! I can tell your are excited and thank you for the submission. I saw your other posts to get my attention hehe. Anyway I'll be including your translation as `de.msg` in the next release!

Chrisguy 1280062324000 #58

Thanks for this emulator! I was looking for a decent emulator with graphical enhancement and stereo sound, and this pretty much fits the bill! Is there anyway to pan the different sound channels (specifically square 1 and 2 in opposite speakers)? I'm weird picky and would love something like that!

thepr 1280318302000 #59

Seriously, isn't there a tutorial to how to translate the emulator? I mean, is there a file that needs to be edited or something?

Jabo 1280340101000 #60

I mean, is there a file that needs to be edited or something?

look in the languages subfolder under Jnes, you should see example message catalogs in there such as en.msg.example

TXF 1280350800000 #61

I thank you for this emulator..I've tried others and this seems to be my favorite.

I was just wondering if there's plans on adding support for Famicom games? I think that would be a great feature to add.


chad 1280361840000 #62

how do you uninstall the program???

iammik 1282137612000 #63

I was wondering if it would be possible to program the inputs into a computer to play the game for me given a certain situation? For example, if x happens on screen, do y. I'd imagine it would be really hard if it's even doable, as it would be game specific, but it'd be more interesting to program a computer to play the game through for me. That way, I can just fine tune it and let it do autorun if I ever want to "play" through it again. (This goes with other games too, SNES, PS...)

ie: for SMB (simplified)
if(block == above){

or for Final Fantasy (again, simplified)
if(cha == fighter){
} elseif (cha == blackbelt){
} elseif (cha == whitemage){
} elseif (cha == blackmage){

I apologize if this is not the right place to ask. I don't know where else I can ask this question.

squall_leonhart 1282158735000 #64


ENG_ZIKO 1283136426000 #65


Bindesh 1283378839000 #66

@ iammik

you should go to www.gamedev.net

Thanks Jabo for such a nice emulator. I use it for most of games.
Ninja series is my fav.

Best wishes for all your development

gabrielwst 1284965738000 #67

Hey Jabo, i think it wood be an important option for jnes users, that anybody can create his own shortcuts for all different functions.
As Example: You like to play with different emus, but wanna emulate "real-nes-buttons", like "Reset" or "Power", with the same user-defined keyboard-shortcuts for all emulators!

The second thing is: Inputconfigurations should be switch- or swap-able for Player 1 and 2 with a shortcut to toggle this function!
As Example: Battery from Gamepad is empty, until you buy new, you like to toggle the controller-configurations, to avoid changing and overwriting their preferences, temporarily!

...and by the way, "open rom" (Ctrl + O) doesnt work in fullscreen! (tested on XP) ....i'm sure you're very able to fix that,.....

much greets from Gabriel West!

squall_leonhart 1288557501000 #68

Jabo, im not sure if this is new to 1.02, but the intro screen for Zelda II bounces up and down and screws up the bottom of the image.

Jabo 1289134500000 #69

Jabo, im not sure if this is new to 1.02,

I was able to reproduce that behavior running "Zelda II (U)" with the Region set to PAL... which isn't right of course, let me know if that was the problem you are having.

squall_leonhart 1289237008000 #70

ah, strange. i don't even remember changing it from automatic

anonymous 1289462266000 #71

i like jnes' gui the most out of all emulators, but i've heard nestopia provides somewhat better colloring using the following settings (sorry for taking up so much space!):

<configuration version="1.40">
<a>(joy 0) 2</a>
<b>(joy 0) 3</b>
<down>(joy 0) +y</down>
<left>(joy 0) -x</left>
<right>(joy 0) +x</right>
<select>(joy 0) 8</select>
<start>(joy 0) 9</start>
<up>(joy 0) -y</up>

Myselfsama 1291464024000 #72

Would it be possible to implement some sort of Speed control for the emulation? Like allowing you to play a 2x speed atleast? This would be helpful for games like Final Fantasy where you have to fight battles over and over to save time. If your able to make it an assignable button that would be excellent as well too so that it can be mapped to a controller. Thanks for the great work.

Jirut 1292121798000 #73

Is so good..

D@VE 1292644118000 #74

I was just wondering why Kaspersky Antivirus keeps reporting JNES as a keylogger...

D@VE 1292645021000 #75

Well, I just noticed I was using a reeeeeaaaally old version, so that probably didn't help (ver .40, I think), but still, if you could explain why it does that, I'd appreciate it (the new version doesn't bring up any warnings of any kind)!

KSC3O 1292709848000 #76

very nice work !

Daylight 1294765420000 #77

Jabo, you are the MAN! I have used this emulator since its infancy. Thanks for your dedication and hard work into making THE best (IMO) NES emulator. I recommend everyone I know (and on some forums) to JNES.

Thanks again, keep up the great work.

MXC 1296381419000 #78

I recently downloaded the latest version of Jnes and was sad to find that I could not load my old version savestates. I can't remember what version I was using but it would be nice to load those old files.

Any tips?

DyO 1298700660000 #79

Jnes-the best of the best of the best emulator EVAR!

Yerko 1300141072000 #80

Thanks very much from Chile

Marma 1300544154000 #81

This emulator is very good, could you add 3p and 4p control? "Kunio kun no Nekketsu Soccer League" is very funny with four players.

squall_leonhart 1300556980000 #82

i have never tested any famicon games to see if they boot in jnes.

Halex 1302140884000 #83

I just uploaded a German translation file for Jnes to:
I hope some of you find it useful

Michi_T 1302282538000 #84

Hi! I created a german file some time ago and compare it to the one I found here. I corrected some bugs and add some better translations. You can download the final german file for Jnes 1.0.2 here:

I also corrected the polish file cuz it has some bugs (some words don't fit). You can download the corrected polish file for Jnes 1.0.2 here:

I hope these file will be included to the next version of Jnes, big thanks!

Jabo 1302587518000 #85

Hi! I created a german file some time ago and compare it to the one I found here.

Thanks very much, this is meant as an update to Gabriel's file? Your's has more up to date words? Also you posted this previously as Halex? I'm confused and I don't speak German to figure this out lol.
REPLY updated 1302587575000

Michi_T 1302589170000 #86

No, I created this file on my own and saw the file from Gabriel here on this side. This was my first post. I just compare his file to my file but my version is better translated. Where is the original english file, so I can compare my translations to it?

Gerhalt 1302619884000 #87

More things:
point#1: in Zen status bar keeps on bouncing all the time. is there some way to work this around?
point#2: i like that sort of stereo (ver. 102), but it seems as if all the sound comes from the left channel.
point#3: Jabo, i'd like to create modern icon for SUCH A GREAT EMU. what d'you think?
p.s. btw, i can also create ukrainian translation for JNES. pls reply

Jabo 1302626763000 #88

I also corrected the polish file cuz it has some bugs

I updated my local copy for the next release all the polish changes look good, nice job! I noticed jnes.list.changeartwork was empty? Can you translate that?

No, I created this file on my own and saw the file from Gabriel here on this side...

Sadly there is no English reference file available, just what's in the user interface... I took a look at your German translation (along with Halex's) and made changes to the one in Jnes using them as a reference. Looks like some substantial changes, my German is limited but your translation was well done.

in Zen status bar keeps on bouncing all the time

What is Zen exactly?

Jabo, i'd like to create modern icon for SUCH A GREAT EMU. what d'you think?

You're welcome to submit one I'd love to see it! Feel free to make a replacement Folder.jpg too if you want.

p.s. btw, i can also create ukrainian translation for JNES. pls reply

A ukrainian translation sounds good, don't think we have one!
REPLY updated 1302635112000

steve 1302634513000 #89

i love this program!! but if i wanted to uninstall it in the future how would i do that??

bill 1302637142000 #90

I'm with Steve, how do you uninstall this?

Gerhalt 1302671816000 #91

What is Zen exactly?

I mean 'Zen Intergalactic Ninja (U)' by Konami 1993. It's goodrom tested, so there's no hack or anything like that. You know, the HUD bar(ingame) is trembling vertically and after a while it becomes highly annoying. Jabo, please, when you've got some time, take a look at it. I hope there's a solution to somehow fix that.
And Jabo I've got a favor to ask of you: can you code that routine back (reference is ver. 053) - it just delivered pulse 1 to the left channel and pulse 2 to the right one respectively, unlike the new method which directs most of sound to the left channel. It was so simple, yet so good...

Gerhalt 1302702632000 #92

Started to post some useful (maybe not) stuff a while ago. Concerning updated russian lang file. I must admit I typed in a lot (including link to the file on megaupload), pressed the button below and voila - it has vanished like a bird! I just wonder where had it gone to?
Anyway, is there any kind of limit of characters in a single post for guests (sounds any bell? twitter?)? 140 for instance, maybe more.
O.K. I'll reup that file when I'm free. Gonna tell you more soon...

Michi_T 1302709421000 #93

Hm, I just think how to translate the word "Artwork" ?
I don't translated it in the german file, so the polish translation would be: Zmiana Artwork
But if I translate this word to graphic or theme then the translation would be: Change graphic / theme
Polish: Zmiana grafiki / motywu
German: Grafik / Design wechseln

Michi_T 1302709744000 #94

YES! Please rewrite the NSIS-Setup, make it multilanguge and add an uninstall option! Maybe an option for a desktop shortcut and a start-menu entry.

And a 4 Player Option is still missing in the Input Configuration dialog. For me is the last big missing feature in Jnes...

Hiroshi_Mishima 1302710187000 #95

I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before.. but I have a suggestion that I think ought to be taken into account before all others. It's actually something I'm shocked JNES doesn't have, for all it's wonderful features...

A Volume Control.

Unless we mute the audio (which removes a chunk of the atmosphere from the game) it is nigh impossible to play these games while having conversations with friends online.

I realize bugfixes and such are definitely going to take priority, but I think this really needs to be the next new feature. I think a lot of people would greatly appreciate it. JNES is probably the best NES emulator I've ever used, and that's the only thing missing that I'd actually consider important (at least to me).

Hiroshi_Mishima 1302710354000 #96

Also, sorry if that sounded really demanding, it wasn't meant to. I just think it's an extremely important feature that tends to get a bit overlooked by people who make emulators. In fact, I think ZSNES is the only over emulator which has a volume control.

Hmm.. kinda wish I could have edited my previous message, but oh well. Sorry for making two like this.

Jabo 1302716933000 #97

And Jabo I've got a favor to ask of you: can you code that routine back (reference is ver. 053)

You're right it isn't working, I had no idea, I'll make sure the next release has that fixed.

Anyway, is there any kind of limit of characters in a single post for guests (sounds any bell? twitter?)? 140 for instance, maybe more.

Yea there probably is a limit, not sure but I wouldn't try pasting the entire contents of the file here...

i love this program!! but if i wanted to uninstall it in the future how would i do that??

You just delete the files... that's why there is no uninstall

A Volume Control.

As opposed to using windows builtin per application volume settings? It seems this would accomplish the same thing. It's builtin to the Windows 7 audio mixer.

YES! Please rewrite the NSIS-Setup, make it multilanguge and add an uninstall option! Maybe an option for a desktop shortcut and a start-menu entry.

And a 4 Player Option is still missing in the Input Configuration dialog. For me is the last big missing feature in Jnes...

Oh boy how demanding! I'd like to convert the install to use WiX at some point, why is everyone so attached to having an uninstall?
REPLY updated 1302721090000

Gerhalt 1302743785000 #98

Hm, I just think how to translate the word 'Artwork'?

Hey, Michi_T, I'll try to explain: it stands for scans of the original box cover arts (or carts' cover arts, or any image you want JNES to display instead); they should be vertical (portrait oriented), have aspect ratio approx. 3:4 (75x106 and higher resolution). Moreover, they must be placed into 'Artwork' dir and have the same name as the ROM it's bound to. Oh, almost forgot: it must be .jpg.
p.s. Try it out - you won't regret. Have fun!

Gerhalt 1302746100000 #99

Hey, Jabo, have just uploaded revised russian localization file here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JP4XYO5A. My credit goes out to the original translator - Alexander Kolotov. Changes are minimal, nevertheless such important things (imho) as hotkeys were missing in the first place (now they're all there in appropriate places). And Jabo, pls check out is there the following local. string in your eng_example.msg ('cause I haven't found it there): 'jnes.list.changeartwork'. Now it's present. More info later...

Gerhalt 1302747306000 #100

Tried to post an url to revised russian localization file I had uploaded to megaupload and some comments regarding the changes made to that file - fat chance of that! The only thing I get is this message:
Your comment requires an administrator approval before being displayed.

Jabo, what should I do? How am I supposed to submit a link if I'm forbidden to post such content? Well, that's strange a bit...

Michi_T 1302752561000 #101

Ok the missing polish string would be (I let this word untranslated in both files):
jnes.list.changeartwork=Zmiana Artwork

Now the uninstaller is not so imported (do you have the source setup file? so I can play a little bit with the NSIS-code)

And what about the 4-Player-option? Is it possible?

Jabo 1302767938000 #102

Jabo, what should I do? How am I supposed to submit a link if I'm forbidden to post such content? Well, that's strange a bit...

That message is just protecting the site from possible spam links, it doesn't mean the post was cancelled.. I just have to approve it. Anyway I'll grab your updates and take a look at what was changed. Seems we are getting a lot of attention for translations in the last few weeks!

I'll have another look at the 4-player option, only game I know that uses this is some soccer game though.

Gerhalt 1302767988000 #103

Right, Michi_T, that's for you and every translator out there: did you add hotkeys to your localizations? I believe this stuff must have been in the first place (I mean eng_example.msg), 'cause, you know, when you change to a different lang (except default one) all the shortcuts simply disappear. So I just did the following: inserted tabulation (after my_interpreted_string) and then typed the appropriate hotkey - it works alright. Well, it should look like this:
jnes.file.open=??????????????... Ctrl+O

Gerhalt 1302768837000 #104

Jabo, did it reach you? So is it alright afterall?
Have just finished the ukrainian localiz. Found some more mistakes in rus transl. too. I'll fix those found and pack both loc. files into zip. Currently working on making some nice pics for 'updated_folder.jpg', I think there will be 5 of them.
p.s. oh, there're accidental freezes in Duck Tales 2 (U) at the very beginning of Egypt level (music plays normally, but the game's stuck). Pls check it out when you've got some free time. Life goes on!

Sarkiri 1302810779000 #105

Its the best nes emulator. And it has a good graphics too. And i like it. I've been searching a nes emulator for my Nokia 5800 Xpress Music but cudn't find one. Though i can find emulators for other phones. It would be great if Jabosoft can create emulators for Mobile phones too. Anyway thanks for the emulator. It the best and a very user friendly emulator created by Jabosoft. Thanks again!!!!!!

Gerhalt 1302831019000 #106

Finished making updated jpgs to replace the old ones. Updated both ru.msg & ukr.msg to their final (for now) state. Packed all this useful (I hope) stuff into a zip. It awaits you right here:
Jabo, I'm standing by, waiting for your feedback. Enjoy.

Gerhalt 1302832626000 #107

Now's the time to give credits to the original creators of the icons used: Liquidox IP (C) 2006 & Cosmos IP (C) 2007 (both available at wincustomize.com) - are incredible works of a very talented man Lasse Salling aka PixelPirate; the next 2: Snow Leopard 3D IP (C) 2009 & Genesis 3G IP (C) 2010 (available at cryo64.com) - are my fav - the production of a man whose potential's definitely beyond imagination, his name's Dario Arnaez aka Cryo64; finally the last (but not least): Harley-Davidson (inspired) IP (C) 2008 (visit stardockdesign.com to see more) by awesome StarDock Design Studio.
Alright, I'll stick to making great Vista-ready icon for JNES, and this time wanna do it all by myself. Stay tuned.

Michi_T 1302865235000 #108

I add hotkeys to my german localization cuz I found them in the previous polish translation. Although they are not in the english example file, I find that they are useful and used it in the two files. I also used one TAB between them and the text.

Please, decide if the hotkeys are in the translations or not
And have a look on the wiki, which other NESgames support 4 player:

Would be nice to play R.C. Pro-Am II with 4 players!!!

Gerhalt 1303033522000 #109

Hey, folks, are you dead?! Post something, test games, report found bugs, make suggestions - who knows, maybe you'll offer some feature that everyone wanted JNES to utilize long ago (otherwise don't ask whether the PROJECT's still alive).
Played Werewolf the Last Warrior (U); noticed slowdowns when the character transforms into wolf (it occurs at the time the screen flashes colorful to b&w and back), and when the hero's been killed (the screen turns b&w). Filter set to 'software'. I suspect it's a driver related issue.

Sarkiri 1303091445000 #110

I've a problem while playing Ninja Gaiden 3. The screen used to shake up and down on the 1st stage. I tried playing the Game with other emulator and every thing was fine. Even though Jnes is the best emulator.

Sarkiri 1303092185000 #111

I wanted to play my favorite Nes Games on My Nokia 5800 Xpress Music. But couldn't find a Nes Emulator for Nokia 5800. There are emulators for java mobile phones and iphones but not for Symbian s60v5. I found a Gameboy Advanced Emulator for S60v5 "GPSP" but it has some bugs. The sound buffering is too slow and sometimes the screen becomes blue with some games. It would be great if Jabosoft created one.

Gerhalt 1303117460000 #112

I've a problem while playing Ninja Gaiden 3. The screen used to shake up and down on the 1st stage.

You're quite right Sarkiri - I've noticed that too (but thought it's not so important to report) - well, as far as I can tell, it actually occurs only within rooms where Ryu has to climb up or fall down (episodes with vertical scroll). The screen shakes except for the sprites of hero, enemies & powerup spheres.

Gerhalt 1303221974000 #113

Dammit! I remember someone mentioned having trouble with filter option set to 'software' rendering - currently encountering the same problem. Those troublesome drivers! Cuz neither filter engines work except for the one aforementioned, well, the emulation seems to be running (both music & sfx are heard), BUT there's TOTALLY NO VISUAL signal coming (the fabled black screen mystery with all its glory).
Hell, it might've been nothing if only games were running properly...if only, yes sir! There must be some way out, without having to downgrade...

Jabo 1303230644000 #114

Jabo, I'm standing by, waiting for your feedback. Enjoy.

Thanks for the submissions, looks like good updates to the russian catalog. Your knowledge of languages is impressive!
REPLY updated 1303230659000

Gerhalt 1303267517000 #115

Thanks for the submissions, looks like good updates to the russian catalog. Your knowledge of languages is impressive!
I'm glad to contribute quality stuff - in any case, I'm certain JNES deserves nothing but the best! We're all here to help this project become the emu of choice for every user out there. I know some day it's gonna be STUNNING piece of software! Back to work. Godspeed!

Gerhalt 1303302992000 #116

I apologize for I typed in an invalid rendering method: 'software' doesn't work on my current ForceWare driver either (black screen) - it forces me to use 'none' setting. Tested Jurassic Park (U) recently (first boss - triceratops' stampede - is the best reference imho): tried out var. combinations of most options (vsync 0/1; clipping 0/1; pal/ntsc; triple buf. 0/1 etc) - none helped. It seems there's no way to fix that but to downgrade to the previous driver (this game used to run OK on that one). Jabo, will you please comment on this issue?

Jabo 1303313460000 #117

It seems there's no way to fix that but to downgrade to the previous driver

I really only recommend using drivers from windows update, is that the one you are using? If so I can try those out, I have a GeForce 8400GS in one of my desktops. If anyone else is having similar problems with 1.0.2 please let us know.
REPLY updated 1303313585000

squall_leonhart 1303343243000 #118

i don't, they are usually half arsed with no opengl or control panel.

Jabo 1303364647000 #119

For most people it's the only way they will get updates, especially if you have a laptop and your OEM sucks. For certain manufacturers like nVidia or ATi your mileage may vary as you mentioned, for me I've never had a problem on my desktops, certainly for Jnes I don't think you can go wrong.
REPLY updated 1303365289000

Gerhalt 1303370725000 #120

I really only recommend using drivers from windows update, is that the one you are using?
Nope, I've got a bunch of outdated drivers for backup purposes - it's not the first issue I encounter this far, that's why it's good to have tested (read: optimal) driver at your disposal. I use ForceWare downloaded directly from the official nVidia page: you gain full package although lots of crap's featured in it. I know many users find it to be unworthy. I play a lot and have many 'oldies' which require the opengl driver installed; additionally I want these 'oldies' to look better than they used to (vsync, AA, AF etc) - I need nVidia control panel to force this stuff.

Gerhalt 1303372294000 #121

Forgot to mention details: since upgraded to 270.xx update (as recommended by nVidia and others), btw with WHQL (I don't use betas - undebugged properly), I've noticed 'oldies' suffering var. bugs (JNES isn't an exception either). So I'm now preparing my 182.50 backup ready for downgrade, at least most of my games ran properly - alas, it appears to be the only way to work this around.
Anyway, Jabo please check some games (try Jurassic Park as I wrote earlier) with renderer set to 'none'...

squall_leonhart 1303517355000 #122

laptopvideo2go is for anyone with a laptop outside of Verde program.

and Jnes has no issues with the new drivers.

the black screen is a directdraw/d3d7 issue.

Gerhalt 1303522434000 #123

I use desktop PC, but that doesn't matter. So if it's a directdraw problem, why it didn't occur on earlier driver versions? Was the architecture changed? Squall, do you know WHAT causes this behavior?

Anthony 1303581608000 #124

Yeah I played the Simpsons on the Jnes before you updated it or upgraded it junk like that. Before bart was yellow now hes yellowgreen. Wtf is that. Explain!

happygamer2 1303656604000 #125

no I do not even know how to change the saves or did I have my number key on so sorry

squall_leonhart 1303693538000 #126

I use desktop PC, but that doesn't matter. So if it's a directdraw problem, why it didn't occur on earlier driver versions? Was the architecture changed? Squall, do you know WHAT causes this behavior?


Gerhalt 1303720361000 #127


Can you pls tell me what video driver you're using? Laptop ones? 'cause I reproduced jnes's black screen on 2 more PCs (one's win7 based, the second's laptop with vista) with drivers from windows update.

squall_leonhart 1303760769000 #128

unrelated to video drivers, its a problem since windows Vista.

Gerhalt 1303780112000 #129

unrelated to video drivers, its a problem since windows Vista.

So, why is it happening on xp+sp3 based machine? You're wrong, Squall, 'cause since I downgraded to some older ForceWare it disappeared on every system mentioned, I mean rendering options 'software' and '2x sai' don't lead to black screen anymore.

Gerhalt 1303781082000 #130

Anyway, those systems are equipped with GeForce... Can't say for sure, but I suspect Radeon equipped one might run JNES with no such issues experience.

Gerhalt 1303991443000 #131

Silence... Conspiracy... Mystery...
Hello?!! Is anybody home?
C'mon, people, go on: suggest, complain, argue, inspire...errr someone...and so forth.

Anthony 1304080337000 #132

Your new updated nes emulator screwed up the palette colors in the tetris rom. Fix it or i will.

anthony 1304080475000 #133

I need the one who designed Jnes so I can tell him what I think of it!

Gerhalt 1304124934000 #134

Whoa, Anthony, calm down man. What's the big deal? I'm aware JNES isn't perfect (like any other app) - but I believe there's no reason to type enraged message. You'd better supply more detailed description of your issue (exact option settings, palette choice etc.) - that should do the trick. Oh, as for me those palette samples work just fine. Anyway, I'm sure it might be wise to ask, not to demand...

Jabo 1304182297000 #135

Anyway, Jabo please check some games (try Jurassic Park as I wrote earlier) with renderer set to 'none'...

I tried it out but what am I looking for exactly? it displays fine from what I can tell.

Gerhalt 1304222203000 #136

@ Jabo
Take a look at these moments: level briefing screen (where the dna chain rotates) - don't skip it; then get to the very first boss (triceratops stampede). You'll see what I mean.
And, oh, before I've forgotten Sarkiri mentioned of the screen shaking issue (filter option setting unrelated) in Ninja Gaiden 3 (U). As far as I know, it happens only in rooms dealing with vert. scroll. Please, try it out.

Jabo 1304347551000 #137

Take a look at these moments: level briefing screen (where the dna chain rotates) - don't skip it;

Using extended vertical blank solves this problem... as for Ninja Gaiden 3 I am looking at improving Jnes timing in another release

Gerhalt 1304435077000 #138

Thanks a lot Jabo. It works OK.
Check, pls, Werewolf the Last Warrior slowdowns issue (with renderer set to 'none' again). Quoting myself:
noticed slowdowns when the character transforms into wolf (it occurs at the time the screen flashes colorful to b&w and back), and when the hero's been killed (the screen turns b&w).

Sarkiri 1304461593000 #139

I've found some graphics problems when playing "Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge". The lines used to show up whenever there's a turning.

Sarkiri 1304464078000 #140

I'm so sorry. I forgot to mention in the previous post. I cannot load "100 in 1" rom with Jnes. It's Says "Error: Mapper #15 Unsupported".

Gerhalt 1304510697000 #141

Hey, Jabo, I recollected the stuff I had wanted to ask you long ago: well, it's about 8 pixel clipping. Was it on a real hardware (can't recall it now 'cuz so much time passed since I launched the console)? What's it for? I wonder is it for hiding artifacts exposed when it's disabled?
I now used to play games without that 'black column' (I find it quite irritating) - and here goes the next question - is every game compatible with this option unchecked... er, I mean, maybe you know several games that require it to be turned on...

Gerhalt 1305183968000 #142

I guess, everyone's being preoccupied at the moment.
Meanwhile...I returned several more games back to life (they didn't run on that damned 260.71 driver at all). Currently testing them by enabling/disabling one option at a time. I fear certain combination(s) of those settings might lead to black screen (maybe even JNES crash). I'll report once I've finished.

Jabo 1305358401000 #143

noticed slowdowns when the character transforms into wolf

I tried this out on Jnes 1.0.2 and it seems to work fine, that seems like a strange problem to have?

What's it for? I wonder is it for hiding artifacts exposed when it's disabled?

There is probably a few reasons but from what I've seen it hides scrolling artifacts, it's been a while however. No games require it to be checked necessarily.
REPLY updated 1305358772000

Gerhalt 1305382699000 #144

I tried this out on Jnes 1.0.2 and it seems to work fine, that seems like a strange problem to have?

Agreed, AND, I must say since I downgraded to 'dusty' video drivers the major number of issues are gone. I suppose those drivers-developing-optimizing blokes think of the newest stuff (up-to-date entertaining software) only, leaving brilliant outdated stuff far behind. It's sad but true. I'd better stick to testing on.
Way to go, Jabo!

meah 1305426879000 #145

I guess no one else is having this problem cause it would be all over here but.. while your emulator couldn't work better (at least on the games i have tried it with if not all of them), problem is, i can't do anything..

while the input keys are chosen, they don't work.. i've tried typing on a text document just to make sure the keys were working at all and they do but the game moves nowhere no matter what i type, im using winxp

Gerhalt 1305446071000 #146

Unmappable bindings...
@ Meah,
let's troubleshoot this together... er, I mean it can be worked around, but I ask you to share a bit more info on the hardware you're using (gamepad or keyboard); its manufacturer, model (I've got some at my disposal, and I could test'em), exact drivers. BTW, most problems are solved by updating (or downgrading in my case) those ones. It's that easy.
Jabo, will you please comment this issue?

Jabo 1305462125000 #147

I guess no one else is having this problem cause it would be all over here but

Yea I've never heard of this problem, it's not my favorite approach but you might want to try other emulators to see if they work, I also work on Project64 so I'd be curious if you have better luck there. Keyboard input is by far the most reliable, my assumption is you've reviewed the input configuration and the keys they are mapped to simply aren't working. Something that would be helpful to know, when you are in the input configuration dialog and you click one of the change square buttons, what happens? does it slowly count down or does it immediately cancel polling? please be as detailed as possible.
REPLY updated 1305462171000

Gerhalt 1305550853000 #148

Jabo, I've recalled one more thing to ask of you - concerning ASPack compressing. I witnessed a number of issues of JNES (ASPacked) being identified by AV software (NOD32; Norton IS) as a win32-malware-gen and such, unlike the unpacked one which is treated OK. I believe those who disassemble and/or reverse engineer (or whatever they're doing) var. apps, will undoubtedly do it (whichever protection you integrate). I'm aware it's a good idea to protect your software, BUT IS IT WORTH THAT?

Jabo 1305614314000 #149

Jabo, I've recalled one more thing to ask of you - concerning ASPack compressing.

Pretty sure the latest version doesn't use that any more ... btw you should be able to signup for an account here, the link at the top-right of the page
REPLY updated 1305647843000

Gerhalt 1305641773000 #150

@ Jabo,

Here's my another query: I mentioned accidental freezes in Duck Tales 2 the other day. Once again it relates to renderer option set to 'none'. This problem has the habit to occur at the very beginning of the 'Egypt' stage. The BGM plays normally (and keeps on playing as usual), however no visuals can be seen (bar the black screen).

AND a small question: any plans of extending the quantity of supported mappers?

Jabo 1305647056000 #151

Cool welcome to the site If you can upload a save state to say megaupload.com for Duck Tales that reproduces the problem I'd be curious to look at it, it is hard understand why it has to do with the rendering option but we'll see. I'm not actively planning the next release but if you have some favorite mappers you are welcome to post them, I've added a few in the last couple of releases, I just don't care much about ones with crappy games or with difficult to find hardware documentation.
REPLY updated 1305647824000

Gerhalt 1305725024000 #152

@ Jabo,
Here's the quicksave state you requested:
The black screen with stage bgm playing. What do you think?

One more moment: JNES is actually a portable app, so I suggest to turn back to sfx instead of that cumbersome nsis... in fact I propose to pack it into 2 files: the 1st one's sfx (doesn't matter rar/zip) and the last (but not least) one's conventional zip archive. I drew reference from ex Lavalys Inc. who distributed their software likewise.
REPLY updated 1305969165000

Gerhalt 1305898075000 #153

I'm mistaken: those Egypt 'mislaunchings' have nothing to do with the renderer settings. I told elsewhere in this page that it's accidetal; this problem occurs at approx. 20% possibility when trying to launch the stage. I wonder, maybe it's somehow related to mapper 2...
Though other games I've tested with the same mapper are running fine...
Jabo, as far as I know, most roms use 4th mapper; so I guess it's the most stable one. Am I right? I mean, does the compatibility depend on the mapper or the exact game?
REPLY updated 1305898557000

Jabo 1306001867000 #154

The black screen with stage bgm playing. What do you think?

From what I can tell this is a known bug, it's related to an optimization in 6502 interpreter, hopefully will be addressed in the next release.

One more moment: JNES is actually a portable app, so I suggest to turn back to sfx instead of that cumbersome nsis...

I don't really find NSIS all that cumbersome, it's similar to an SFX, not sure what you feel the difference is. A few people have been asking for a ZIP file, I agree that a lot of developers provide a download for both, I will make that available soon.

Am I right? I mean, does the compatibility depend on the mapper or the exact game?

Compatibility can depend on the mapper since it's different emulation, generally most of the mappers in Jnes are pretty reliable at this point there shouldn't be any major bugs in the ones that are supported.
REPLY updated 1306044231000

Gerhalt 1306068701000 #155

I remembered a subtlety in behavior of the real game and the emulated one. I'm talking of Super Spy Hunter. Such an ordinary thing: pause - the screen darkens a bit (I recall that for sure) as opposed to the one running in JNES: it doesn't, it just pauses, stops... I wish it darkened like the one I memorize...
Such a stupid favor to ask, but is it possible to get it back?
Should I try it out with, say, Nestopia?
REPLY updated 1306069240000

Gerhalt 1306115051000 #156

I once mentioned about Zen Intergalactic Ninja's issue here, and since I didn't get any reply, I'm asking again: there's annoying HUD area shaking... Jabo, pls tell what is this problem & can it be fixed? Does it somehow correlate with Ninja Gaiden 3 issue?
Of course, HUGE thx for all your efforts!
REPLY updated 1306306222000

Michi_T 1306141485000 #157

Thanks for the language update of jnes.
I just tested my two language files (DE+PL) and
found still some bugs. I corrected them in bought files.
Please update these new files with the old ones, so
than can be released directly with version 1.0.3



Gerhalt 1306228420000 #158

Now, that's good! Lang update... provided in both zip & NSIS SFX...
Though I've got to mention this: exe is upx packed... what for?
AND, well, I hoped you'd include updated folder jpeg(s)...

I also took a brief glance at JNES' FAQ section (once again). The MMC2/MMC4 issues mentioned there came to my attention. How exactly do they 'enhance graphics' and what sort of 'sophisticated techniques' they utilize?
REPLY updated 1306283145000

Gerhalt 1306400651000 #159

I have no idea whether someone finds those save states (found elsewhere on this site) useful or not... Though I wish to share some of mine. They are: for Gremlins 2 'The New Batch': you'll find Gizmo within the 4th boss battle ground (boss done), so there's only the final stage left; Guardian Legend: the heroine's right in front of the final monster (with full ammo btw); Super Spy Hunter: the 2 out of 3 final bosses are over, so the big deal's to simply get rid of the last one...
Here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LDP6PPYI
Jabo, pls add them to the 'saves' subsection of 'Jnes' section, will you?
Oh, before I forgot, are the screenshots needed?

Jabo 1306428699000 #160

Thanks for the language update of jnes.
I just tested my two language files (DE+PL) and
found still some bugs.

You're very welcome, your catalogs fixed a lot of bad translations. I have merged your changes in with the existing one, but had issues with just a few:

jnes.input.disconnected, jnes.input.autoconfig, and jnes.settings.showstartup

GERMAN issues

jnes.video.title (no space between configuration?)
jnes.input.disconnected (brackets ?)
jnes.input.devices (needs the word: additional)
jnes.video.display.triplebuffer (needs to include about vertical sync?)
jnes.input.autoconfig (why is there a period at the end?)

looking for as close to the English version as possible, if you can give me additional feedback or corrections I will gladly reconsider, but I will keep the originals for the ones listed above as I felt they were closer.

PS: you should be able to signup for an account if you want, the link is at the top.

I'm talking of Super Spy Hunter. Such an ordinary thing: pause - the screen darkens a bit

You're right this seems to be an bug, I'll add it to the list of problems thanks for letting me know

I once mentioned about Zen Intergalactic Ninja's issue here, and since I didn't get any reply, I'm asking again: there's annoying HUD area shaking...

Yea it probably is similar to the ninja gaiden 3 problems, again will look at researching this for a fix in another release thanks for the info

Though I've got to mention this: exe is upx packed... what for?
AND, well, I hoped you'd include updated folder jpeg(s)...

I've always done this just to decrease the size, old habit I guess. I can't say that I really liked those folder images sorry I am redoing that in another release anyway so it's probably going away in favor of a more accurate rendering of the system folder icons

I also took a brief glance at JNES' FAQ section (once again). The MMC2/MMC4 issues mentioned there came to my attention. How exactly do they 'enhance graphics' and what sort of 'sophisticated techniques' they utilize?

It might be explained a bit strangely there, and I won't claim I can explain it here but, MMC2/MMC4 don't change the basic abilities of the NES graphics rendering, it's still tile based rendering and uses a palette, but they provided the game programmers with a way to access additional ROM storage sizes, as well as timing techniques (IRQ, rendering latches) so they can change the layout of the screen within a single frame.

Jabo, pls add them to the 'saves' subsection of 'Jnes' section, will you?
Oh, before I forgot, are the screenshots needed?

Ah fantastic! I will add them soon, I can take care of the screenshots don't worry.
REPLY updated 1306429438000

Gerhalt 1306456616000 #161

...but they provided the game programmers with a way to access additional ROM storage sizes...

I guess, that might explain the non-standard rom size of Kirby's Adventure: as far as I know, the max NES rom size is 512K, while Kirby's one's 768K. I still don't get it: this game uses conventional 4th mapper, so how come the developers programmed that much data into a single rom? Is it somehow related with the aforementioned enhancements, eh?

Gerhalt 1306504484000 #162

This post's devoted to the conflict (not exactly) between the '2' apps (that number may be higher) using the same shortcut: F12 (by default). As you might have guessed that's about JNES' unload rom image AND Beepa Fraps' command for disabling the overlay fps icon. Since Fraps identifies JNES as 3D app ('cuz it's working thru directx), both of them share that troublesome hotkey. The only way out is to rebind (or turn off) it to other key(s) in Fraps itself; in JNES it's unchangeable.
That's only one example and you might encounter the greater number of such stuff...
To link this post with the previous one, I offer to alter JNES' F12 action to.... hmmmmm, ctrl+c (close) or ctrl+u (unload). Jabo, your word, pls!
REPLY updated 1306504833000

Jabo 1306599656000 #163

Hey, Jabo, I suggest you to implement more shortcuts into JNES. How about, say, ctrl+v for (it's obvious) video config dialog, huh?

I probably never considered that mostly because I don't think it's something people should frequently use, it should be setup once so to speak.

As you might have guessed that's about JNES' unload rom image AND Beepa Fraps' command

I'm sure there are applications that conflict with Jnes, it's probably not the best idea to go changing things around however as a result. Also I work on Project64 and it uses that same shortcut, it would be rather annoying to have to use different shortcuts after almost 10 years.

I can't speak for fraps because I don't use it, Jnes has built-in recording capabilities and shows the frame rate, it seems rather inconsiderate if they do not let you change their mappings since fraps is meant to monitor other applications.

REPLY updated 1306602611000

Gerhalt 1306631829000 #164

...it seems rather inconsiderate if they do not let you change their mappings since fraps is meant to monitor other applications.

No, Fraps DO let you rebind its hotkeys. The actual problem lies in that since JNES utilizes DX Fraps recognizes it as a 3D app and enables itself - so they start to share some shortcuts.
I actually use Fraps since around '05 that's why I got used to it that much. 'Cuz, you know, when you witness some funny stuff happening in games, you just want to record it 'for further reference purposes' (e.g. to laugh at it with someone else)...

And what about the unusual Kirby's Adventure rom size I mentioned earlier?
REPLY updated 1306631997000

Jabo 1306673091000 #165

I need it a lot! I'm pretty tired of accessing it through menu every time!

Understood, what are you specifically changing in that dialog so frequently? Extended vertical blank? If that's the case I understand why a shortcut would be helpful.

And what about the unusual Kirby's Adventure rom size I mentioned earlier?

You might find that there are bigger games than this even, I think some of the dragon warrior games get up to 1024KB. As to why games get so big I can't really say, it's a per game situation, every developer puts different code and graphics into their game.

Also http://www.fraps.com/faq.php seems to indicate you can remap keys, I would suggest leveraging that.
REPLY updated 1306673307000

Gerhalt 1306720344000 #166

I troubleshot that by downgrading the driver... BUT, that's for the time being. As long as I wanna play several new games I just HAVE TO install the update, right? It's not a secret I may face the aforementioned problem once again (I'm sure it'll happen).
Anyway, Jabo, I've already recompiled JNES with the modifications made to:
1. MENU section - shortcuts added: ctrl+v for video config and ctrl+i for input config; also altered F12 to ctrl+c leading to another altering - old ctrl+c (cheats) to shift+c.
2. ACCELERATORS section - the appropriate links that bind the actions with the hotkeys.
Hope you don't mind I did that, OK?

And btw what are prg & chr bank parameters? Do they indicate max. sprite size?
REPLY updated 1306723754000

Jabo 1306745753000 #167

Hope you don't mind I did that, OK?

If it solves your problems I don't mind, at the moment it's not possible to customize these mappings, and everyone has different needs and opinions on these things, dealing with that can be frustrating obviously. I only would have a real problem if someone started distributing hacked copies, and I know that's not your intention so I'm happy you've found a simple solution.

And btw what are prg & chr bank parameters? Do they indicate max. sprite size?

ROM images are divided into PRG (program code) and CHR (graphics) banks, or segments, chunks, whatever. So in the ROM information dialog it displays how many banks that particular ROM image has for CHR/PRG.
REPLY updated 1306745802000

Gerhalt 1306760689000 #168

I only would have a real problem if someone started distributing hacked copies...

HELL NO! I wouldn't do such a thing in ages! It's a personal matter - I need those, that's why I found out how to modify JNES so that testing becomes easier/quicker a bit... Additionally as you mentioned diff. ppl have diff. preferences, thus if I'm used to ctrl+c for unloading rom doesn't mean everyone finds it a good combination... So don't worry, I'm very much dedicated to this project and I wish it to improve, grow!

ROM images are divided into PRG (program code) and CHR (graphics) banks, or segments, chunks, whatever.

I see. I also noticed some of the games have 0 (zero) value in CHR segment (Duck Tales 2 & Guardian Legend - both 128K sized; while Kirby's values are PRG 32 & CHR 32), so I wonder if it tells that the game has no graphics? Or it means every possible space is occupied so there's none left?
REPLY updated 1306766884000

Gerhalt 1306849582000 #169

My next idea concerns status bar of JNES. Jabo, why not add localization support for it, eh?
When you look at UI of JNES with non-default lang, you know, you'll eventually notice useful hints appearing in status bar, AND they're always in English... No, I don't complain about it (ENU is far cry not my native lang but I use it nonetheless), I suppose it's gonna be fair if those hints could be translated in external MSG file.
If I'm not mistaken, you can find similar requests somewhere on this page. Please reply.

Gerhalt 1306934768000 #170

Jabo, I'm asking your advice - I followed one of the links in 'useful urls' section (actually ROMCenter.com), and found rc358. Should I use it to make sure my roms are good dumps? What exact app of such category do you use?

I just didn't like its unpacked size (~80M). I'm well aware its database is HUGE and it supports A LOT of platforms to verify the rom genuine header etc. Though, I believe it's unwanted to use 'big' RC for ~30 nes roms... Maybe there's similar software for nes roms alone and it has a REASONABLE size. If so, I'd like to check it out.
REPLY updated 1306981001000

NESfan 1307086479000 #171

Somehow I have some keyboard problems... It works fine on my Computer in general, but when I want to play a game my keyboard won't do anything. None of the keys work. I've tried changing the Input data, but it was fine. I tried everything I could and also downloaded games from different websites, but that didn't fix it either. I'm pretty frustrated right now. If anyone has an Idea or knows how to fix the problem I would be very thankful if you share it with me.

Jabo 1307102348000 #172

My next idea concerns status bar of JNES. Jabo, why not add localization support for it, eh?

Yea that's probably a good idea, thanks for reminding me.

Should I use it to make sure my roms are good dumps? What exact app of such category do you use?

It's definitely a good application to have, it's rather big I'd assume because it's database of ROM images is fairly large. I've used RomCenter in the past but not recently, so I can't really offer much guidance.

Jabo, where are you? Users need you!

Hehe there are times I am unable to check the site due to my work and personal life, I'm usually able to get questions answered tho.

Gerhalt 1307109649000 #173

Hehe there are times I am unable to check the site due to my work and personal life...

Surely. That's not even intended to be discussed. We're able to check it when there's some time AND if we want to.
Anyway, Jabo, did you look at post #175? A desperate plea to draw your attention - keys are mapped but don't work. Troubleshooting, please?

Quoting my earlier query:
I also noticed some of the games have 0 (zero) value in CHR segment (Duck Tales 2 & Guardian Legend - both 128K sized; while Kirby's values are PRG 32 & CHR 32), so I wonder if it tells that the game has no graphics? Or it means every possible space is occupied so there's none left?
REPLY updated 1307110123000

Jabo 1307345195000 #174

Anyway, Jabo, did you look at post #175?

Yes I did, and noticed that someone had posted previously about this, really I have nothing to suggest here I can't imagine why keyboard polling would not work, and no errors would be triggered.

so I wonder if it tells that the game has no graphics?

Hehe yea it would seem that way, but these cartridges include writable CHR memory that the game code dynamically changes. This can be a nice advantage I suppose for games that prefer to completely control what's in video memory rather than having read-only data sets.

Gerhalt 1307366495000 #175

...but these cartridges include writable CHR memory that the game code dynamically changes.

I'm curious: if it's capable of interchanging CHR data, then how much capacity is there available? 4, 8, 16, 24, 32?

I'm about to make a 'shiny' (or glassy) brand new JNES logo icon. 4 characters in total but which case should I use for each of them? 'J' & 'N' are in the upper case and the rest 'e' & 's' are in the lower one?
How about a nice 'JaboSoft' text image for 'about JNES' box?
REPLY updated 1307366790000

Jabo 1307639663000 #176

Probably 8K for CHR-RAM, but you'd want to check the technical specs I'm a bit detached from it these days, and yes I'd like to have to look at the icon again sometime. Also I've finally uploaded your save states, thanks again for these.
REPLY updated 1307639681000

Jabo 1308202053000 #177

cool I've updated them, sorry about that, just a bit of stress at work in the last week that distracts me.
REPLY updated 1308226294000

Michi_T 1308590616000 #178

Hi Jabo!
I wasn't some time here but I don't forget your pointed out translation strings in my two language files. So, here we go:

jnes.input.disconnected = This value is not a device (Joystick) so I think it would be better for the optics to put this value in brackets to point out that this is a state not a device. I saw this in some other Control menus in PC games

jnes.input.autoconfig = It should be "Automatyczna konfiguracja" but this is too long. So I use a dot to short it. You can also remove this period if this should cause an error.

jnes.settings.showstartup = I think "okno powitalne" sounds better than "okno startowe" but you can also take the first translation, it's not wrong at all

jnes.system.saveas = "Speichern unter" is definitely right. All the menus in german Software (Windows) use the small letter in prepositions. I think, the same is in english. What is righter: "Save As" or "Save as" (Speichern Unter/Speichern unter)?

jnes.video.title (no space between configuration?) = I looked up at google and "Video-Konfiguration" or "Videokonfiguration" are the most used. But "Video Konfiguration" is not wrong so it's hard to say which one to take

jnes.settings.savepath = like "Pfad für Screenshots" the better and similar translation is "Pfad für Spielstände" like path for...

jnes.input.disconnected (brackets ?) = the same as in polish

jnes.movie.saveas = the same as in system

jnes.input.devices (needs the word: additional) = why? the en.msg.example file don't have this word. But if you really need this word or should be there you can use the old translated string

jnes.video.display.triplebuffer (needs to include about vertical sync?) = "Dreifachpufferung mit vertikaler Synchronisation" but it could be too long and the english example don't mention this. The old sting translated it to "Gleichzeitigkeit" but wikipedia says it's the "Simultaneity". What is the exact english string here?

jnes.input.autoconfig (why is there a period at the end?) = should be "Auto Konfiguration" but it's too long, same in polish. It's the short form that why I put a period there but you can remove it

That's it! We need the proper english example file, so it will be easier to compare the translations. Can you correct my current translation files? If you have more questions than ask me! btw:
I can't find the register button on this page! were is it? It would be easier to post here than.

Thanks and see ya!

Gerhalt 1308808261000 #179

@ Michi_T:

Hi there! OK, right to the point - you asked:

I can't find the register button on this page! were is it?

Check out the upper right corner of this page. It should be there. And oh, important stuff: Jabo gives you "the green light" to register by your IP (now am I right?), so if you're posting from different places (terminals) you might've found yourself unable to locate that button. It's only available for certain IP.
Anyway, Jabo is needed to comment for himself. He'll explain.
REPLY updated 1308808324000

Jabo 1308923317000 #180

in JNES its movement is ~5 times faster then it's supposed to be thus making it impossible to proceed

I'll have to try that out sometime I've played that game before, if you have a state that would be helpful

I wasn't some time here but I don't forget your pointed out translation strings in my two language files. So, here we go:

Ok I'll take a look, please keep in mind that it's important to me at least that the translations try to stay close to the original format and meaning. Ordinarily I don't look at the translations but I've had multiple translations I've had to look at them closer.

What is righter: "Save As" or "Save as"

definitely "Save As"

why? the en.msg.example file don't have this word.

The example file was put together quickly and is wrong, I've updated the package with a fresh english example and incorporates more of your changes

The old sting translated it to "Gleichzeitigkeit" but wikipedia says it's the "Simultaneity". What is the exact english string here?

You can view it in the video configuration dialog, but it is "Triple Buffering with Vertical Sync" which is short for Synchronization

That's it! We need the proper english example file, so it will be easier to compare the translations.

Cool I will give it a look at make sure it is up to date, thanks!

I can't find the register button on this page! were is it? It would be easier to post here than.

Yea it is filtering by IP address until it's public, you should be see it now, if you can't I'll use a wildcard
REPLY updated 1308992297000

tony 1308928135000 #181

Yeah somethings wrong with Jnes. I was playing PinBall and I was holdin down the flipper and it was movin up and down very fast. So in the game it's not suppose to do that. Fix it now.

Gerhalt 1309705252000 #182

Ahem... Meanwhile I can make several more save states. Jabo, what do u think?
And a small question: what's the general difference between Game Genie & Pro Action Replay?

Jabo 1309860933000 #183

I don't think we need more saves, I can't seem to notice any issues using the password to get to that stage. Pro Action Replay modifies the game's memory data (it's variables) while Game Genie modifies the actual game logic (it's code). There is probably materials online that have a wealth more information however.

Gerhalt 1309919980000 #184

I can't seem to notice any issues using the password to get to that stage.

I know, I just posted it in case you're experiencing the save state isn't working (for some reason). Actually, the 'big deal' is that troublesome spiked ceiling movement was too fast, and I submitted the link for you to check it out and see whether it's ok. That's all.
Please, take it from MU, load it and just walk to the right into the next room - it's there. Ummmm, and hopefully reply...
P.S. I apologize for asking so many questions. But hey, is it so bad to ask questions after all? I recall a lot of forums where you seek answers but the only phrase you get is "want to find out about it - google for it"... That's rich! They aren't eager to share their knowledge at all... I wouldn't blame them...
I'll try not to bother you with such queries anymore.
REPLY updated 1310004376000

Jabo 1310018060000 #185

No worries I wish more users were as helpful I took a look at the state and it still seems to move at the speed I would expect. I'm glad you are enjoying participating here I enjoy communicating with users so I can understand how things are going, without feedback it seems like everything is perfect and I know it isn't, and if I can share some information I know to those that are curious that is fine.

Gent 1310019260000 #186

Welcome to Jnes Gerhalt, nice to see another eager user and member of jabosoft.

Brouhaha 1310032206000 #187

Where are the games' save state files kept? I need to move my data between a couple of different computers.

Iconoclast 1310046794000 #188

I've been finding them as JST files under the "saves" folder where Jnes is installed. Hope that helps you.

Gerhalt 1310048007000 #189

...and if I can share some information I know to those that are curious that is fine.

Great! Now prepare yourself - I'm about to start flooding with a bunch of stupid questions. Kidding, of course. As for Batman II - I believe that was smth. out of order; ROM reset was required to solve that, which I didn't do, but it might have helped...

Welcome to Jnes Gerhalt, nice to see another eager user and member of jabosoft.

Whey-hey! Why, if it isn't Gent himself! I'm glad to hear from you. I guess you spent most of your free time at PJ64, don't you? You're a "rare bird" here so to speak - that's why I'm twice pleased to be welcomed by you... Now I'm talking crap.
Anyway, nice to meet you too! Wait, are those your real system specs? That can't be...
There's a platformer game for Genesis/MegaDrive called 'Dynamite Headdy', and when you defeat a boss, someone from behind the scene (becomes identified at the end of game) says 'I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!'
REPLY updated 1310048692000

Gent 1310051214000 #190

ha no i just don't remeber how to change that sig lol

my new specs are:

OS:Windows 7 Ultimate (Build 7600)
CPU: Pentium Dual-Core E5400,* 2.70 GHz, 2048 KB
System RAM:Kingston 4GB DDR-SDRAM PC2-6400
Video:ATI Radeon HD 5400 Series
Sound:ASUS Xonar DG Audio D
REPLY updated 1310051231000

Jabo 1310101641000 #191

yea i turned the sigs off since it was messing up the layout i'll find a way to add that back in but you probably can't have so many lines wb gent

Gerhalt 1310225235000 #192

Jabo, how do you insert those smilies into the post body? I'd like to know since I can't find the button turning'em on. If it's a code tell the syntax please. I guess it might look like: "[SMILE]wink.gif[/SMILE]" or the likes...

Gent 1310226999000 #193

just pick and hope really Gerhalt

: and ) = : and P = : and D = etc
REPLY updated 1310227040000

Iconoclast 1310245089000 #194


:) =
:( =
:D =
:O =
:P =
;) =

I think that's it?
REPLY updated 1310246258000

Gerhalt 1310291463000 #195

Tnx, guys. "Sancta simplicitas"

I've been finding them as JST files under the "saves" folder where Jnes is installed.

Something's missing... oh, I know - I imagined a dude trying to find '.jst' files among '.js5', '.js2', '.js0' and so on. He doesn't know, but some time ago his (for instance) younger brother liked to play with numpad - he simply changed save slots. That's why there're files with diff. extensions.
REPLY updated 1310292558000

Iconoclast 1310320875000 #196

Honestly I have not tried that since I am not worried about saved states that much. I am familiar with that notation on other emulators, though. Thanks for letting me know.

So the files in that location are JSx where x is the symbol 'T' for a fast save or the symbol digits from '0' to '9' I think for specified save slots.

Gerhalt 1310351503000 #197

So the files in that location are JSx where x is the symbol 'T' for a fast save or the symbol digits from '0' to '9' I think for specified save slots.

That's OK. However, I believe we should keep in mind that it's us who's aware of this, NOT everyone out there (unfortunately), though such things are quite obvious; meaning it's us who's up to help'em solve var. issues... methinks.

Actually, there's one more file format found under "saves" dir: ".sav" - as you well know, some games are capable of using backup RAM to save certain data (e.g. Batman Returns, Kirby's Adventure etc.) in order to restore your position later. That's why every file in that subdir is important (unless a user filled it in with some crap; or some virus has been messing around and left its garbage there).

@ Jabo
As I stated earlier, I did uploaded that image here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MZJPR5I2. It's done by Ahuri of DA and featured in his 'NES icons pack' - a really great work. Check it out and tell what's on your mind, OK?
REPLY updated 1310351967000

Iconoclast 1310386940000 #198

Oh well I just meant with saved states, but yes I'm thankful I was at least able to observe the native save (extension "SAV") format files.

And yeah it's a little unfortunate, but no matter how well-documented things can be there are still people who rely on an optimized, rather self-explanatory interface. Which of course solves many problems. Always helps when people who are familiar with it are around to spread that documentation around in different ways XD.

About that NES icon image you uploaded, I know you weren't asking me, but in my experience with optimizing icon files I must say that looks pretty nice. I know it's a PNG, but 256:256 is the largest supported resolution for a Windows icon as well.

Gerhalt 1310393615000 #199

@ Iconoclast
JNES is one of those superb portable apps I like the most. Since ver. 1.0 it has become (long awaited feature) registry independent, utilizing user-friendly .ini save-file instead. So, it doesn't care whether you've reinstalled system or not, unlike the prior releases where you had to add its settings to the registry (or tune it manually). Secondly, its size is so small that I guess one would never be bothered with it. To conclude, I must admit JNES uses its root folder and none else compared to some software breeding itself throughout the entire "C:\\" partition (I call those: 'try to gather me into one piece') - meaning it's very easy to move it to other system and start using it right away. Very handy indeed. I suppose such apps must be used as a reference for almost every developer out there, so that they look at it and think to themselves: Goddamn, my app should be that incredible!
As for this image: I possess the actual icon, but in order to create the new one I'm gonna need PNG file - simply load it into the icon editor, then load another PNG ('Jnes' caption), and scroll it until the overlay's firm & nice.

Jabo 1310409263000 #200

yea that image is well done definitely I'll see if I can find a use for it in the future thanks Gerhalt.

Gerhalt 1310479981000 #201

Wanna share some info with everyone. I believe it might be useful in some way... There's outstanding developer team in UK known to us as Traveler's Tales. They made many brilliant games, and one of them is "Puggsy" (for Genesis/MegaDrive, 1993) - strange bottle-like alien creature, who came down on a planet due to (so unexpectedly!!!) emergency crash landing. While he was looking around where the hell he is, the natives (raccoons!!!) stole his spacecraft, forcing him to chase them throughout this planet... That's how it begins, but not the subject of my description. The point is in its piracy protection - against emus. So how does it work? - Due to the fact that most emus support SRAM, the game was equipped with simple algorithm checking whether backup RAM is available (the game itself uses password save though). At certain point (actually, after first couple of stages) it sends request to 'save' itself to backup RAM, and of course emu lets it do that. Thus the game knows it's being emulated and show you a screen suggesting to buy a real copy and play it on a real hardware. The only way to work this around is to use an emu capable of disabling the SRAM feature or simply play its twin for Sega/Mega CD system (unless you can modify an emu & implement/disable SRAM by yourself). Comments, please!

Jabo 1310560364000 #202

that is really interesting actually, I always thought the memory map so to speak is the easiest way to detect an emulator because there is many details to it, haven't come across this on the NES tho.

Gerhalt 1310564748000 #203

Taking in account there wasn't ANY decent emu of that platform at the time (1993), the developers knew how to protect their work from illegal using... Smart guys that they are. Jabo, wanted to ask you long ago (forgetfulness) about command prompt switches for JNES. Hopefully, you'll reveal some...

I've finally got my brains & hands onto some creativity and made an image of 'Jnes' that I'm gonna use for the icon. It's in "embrio" state for now, gonna make it better. Take it here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=81OWESBI, AND DON'T HESITATE TO POST MORE FEEDBACK! I need to know your opinion since I'm doing this for everybody. Guys, Gent, Iconoclast & Squall, please, leave some comments. Hope to hear from you!
REPLY updated 1310652209000

HQX 1310872769000 #204

Do you ever plan on having the Hqx video filters for Jnes?

Jabo 1310918407000 #205

yea I have to confess you get the most benefit from the 2x filter visually, at some point it feels like having all these options gets a bit bloated, unless you really hate the SaI algorithm. But I will add it to the wish list I believe at some point I had it working in Jnes actually and it's clearly on a few peoples short list as well.
REPLY updated 1310919456000

Jabo 1310980743000 #206

oh my apologies I did look at it just forgot to post somehow, it looks very nice, but it's not something I would be interested in using.

I don't understand what you mean about prompt keys tho?

HQX 1311017000000 #207

I will be honest, Jnes is very good. I'd like to explain something... Half the gamers prefer no video filters while playing games because they want the game to look as authentic as possible. The other half of gamers prefer to use video filters to improve the visuals. It is widely accepted, for the most part, that the HQX video filters are the best filters available. So in essence, by not including the HQX video filters, you are only targeting 50% of the gamers. Because the 50% of gamers who prefer video filters, will choose to use FCEUX and/or Nestopia as their emulator instead of Jnes. The best three emulators are FCEUX, Nestopia, and Jnes. FCEUX seems to be the favorite among cheat code hackers and Nestopia seems to be the favorite among people who just play without hacking. In my opinion, Jnes is slightly trailing FCEUX & Nestopia. BUT if you included the HQX filters to Jnes, that will even the playing field and I promise you that ALOT more people will start to use Jnes. You may not realize the fact that an emulator that has or does not have the HQX video filters is the deciding factor to ALOT of gamers when they choose which emulator to use. I work in Human Resources for big corperations for many years and basically my job is to figure out how to improve the company. I have been checking this website for awhile now seeing if the new releases include the HQX filters. When I saw that there was no plans for it to be included, I couldn't sit quiet letting this great Jnes emulator not be enjoyed by more people. Sometimes an outside person can spot the obvious that an inside person has overlooked. I wish you and this fine Jnes emulator the best.

squall_leonhart 1311030917000 #208

SaI and bilinear look like crap on lcd's

Gerhalt 1311032098000 #209

oh my apologies I did look at it just forgot to post somehow

It's nothing; actually I forget almost every time I have to recall smth. As for the image - I'm gonna use it for the brand new JNES icon: 'Jnes' caption (did you notice the angle?) is in the same perspective (I'll correct the rest) as that NES image I uploaded earlier - I want the caption on the upper surface of the console itself - that's how I see it. What do you think?

I don't understand what you mean about prompt keys tho?

I mean switches for command prompt, ummmmm, smth. like 'DRIVE_LETTER:\\DIR\\SUBDIR\\......\\JNES.EXE /d (for debug) /s (silent) DRIVE_LETTER:\\DIR\\......\\CONTRA.NES' That's for example, I don't know for sure that's why I'm asking you to post'em.

A small question: I use SaI engine and, to tell the truth, consider it the most advanced renderer available. I tried those HQ2x/4x out on other emus and don't think they exceed SaI - imho. Are they so special? What's the "big deal"?

Jabo 1311052384000 #210

I will be honest, Jnes is very good. I'd like to explain something...

Hehe I think you make a compelling case no worries I will definitely check it out again! Filtering has always been a bit painful for me since there is so many of them, I had added the nes_ntsc filters in the last release due to another user's strong input. I always figured the 2x SaI would make everyone who wanted a smoothing filter happy, but after reading your feedback it would seem this is not the case, I know HQ filters scale up to 4x. Just out of curiosity do you feel HQ looks better than 2x SaI or are you interested in the fact that it scales higher resolutions?

For the same reasons squall_leonhart said, I find myself actually using the software filter whether I'm on a huge television or a small monitor, it just looks the best to me.

HQX 1311081172000 #211

Just out of curiosity do you feel HQX looks better than 2x SaI or are you interested in the fact that it scales higher resolutions?

The HQX filters look 10 times better than 2x SaI filters. The 2x SaI filters is not even on the same level as the HQX filters. The 2x SaI filters are blurry. There is practically no blur visible to the human eye with HQX filters. Thats one of the things that make it so great. HQX filters are so clear and makes the graphics look so much better than any other filter. The 2x SaI filters is like obsolete technology. The HQX filters are so rediculously better than the 2x SaI filters that it can no longer be an opinionated statement. It's like comparing the visuals of a VHS tape to a DVD. Now obviously the best HQX filter is HQ4X followed by HQ3X and HQ2X.

Gerhalt 1311122543000 #212

...HQX filters are so clear and makes the graphics look so much better than any other filter...

Then I'll be "10 times" happier when they're integrated in our beloved emu - that is! You make me even more eager to compare them in JNES itself.

squall_leonhart 1311223595000 #213

the SaI filters are worse on non square pixels (aspect stretching = bad), you end up with flecks or artifacts on sprite corners.

there are also HQ filters with SaI smoothing, which soften the edge... the slight softness can be a little distracting though.

SaI these days is like using bilinear instead of bicubic when superscaling an image.

squall_leonhart 1311223786000 #214

There are also LQ filters, which should not be called Low Quality by comparison, they obviously aren't HQxX level, but they aren't that bad either... the performance hit in comparison isn't something to scoff at either.

FYI Jabo, if you do implement the HQ filters, you should use the asm versions, they are far more optimised then the C++ version; even if you use Profiler guided optisations its so much faster.

Jabo 1311251832000 #215

cool thanks for the feedback everyone

Gerhalt 1311255887000 #216

cool thanks for the feedback everyone

Sounds like you're about to close the forum. Don't do that! There's so much left to be discussed & decided! Just kidding I know you won't.
Wanted to remind of the proper stereo sound feature (routine which directs pulse 1 & 2 to the left & right channels). Hope you didn't forget.

Iconoclast 1311278229000 #217

haha, yeah, it's getting like a forum in here, so much discussion it's hard to keep up ! Thread closed for being too active.

And I haven't paid very much attention to the differences between 2xSAI, HQ2X, and HQ3X (with N64 gfx rendering) since even with N64 the RGB or raw stuff always seemed sexiest. But that's my fault XD.

Gerhalt 1311423882000 #218

Hey, Jabo, nice update! Looks fresh! Accurate icons instead of conservative text. Also noticed absence of the third button (color highlighting). I guess the reason for removal was in the fact that no-one actually use that feature. Despite your determination I ask that you reconsider. Sometimes to attract attention to smth. you've got to set the utterance into red... I think you got an idea.

Jabo 1311430846000 #219

hehe very observant! and very happy it feels fresh, i will put back the color one and probably add a few more just didn't get to it

Gerhalt 1311512527000 #220

That's right folks!
Time to test new features

Now seriously. Jabo, thnx for these improvements. They'll come in handy for sure. There's one more thing disturbing me all along - save files reverse compatibility. I recollect this stuff when upgraded from v0.52 to 0.63 (can't recall now). If I'm not mistaken, the major iteration was comp. with the minor one's saves, so I had to convert all of'em into the new format. That's why I wonder whether it'll happen once again? What actually causes save files' structure altering? If the updated version utilizes new saves' format, will it still recognize the old one?
REPLY updated 1311554496000

HQX 1311630484000 #221

I think the artwork packs with box art pictures of each game is a good idea. I just wish that you didn't need to have the whole NES collection of good ROMs and Bad ROMs, aka 'Good Rom Names Convention'. If there is a way of utilizing the artwork packs without having to download the whole NES collection of ROMs, you should implement it. Also, it would be nice if there was an option where you could choose to display the picture of the box art or a snap shot / screen shot of the gameplay. This way people can see what the gameplay of the game actually looks like. An example of an emulator that has this feature is the arcade emulator, MAMEUI. With MAMEUI, you can scroll through each game and get a feel of what the gameplay looks like by looking at the screen shot of each game. I always hoped someone would create such a feature for a NES emulator.

Gerhalt 1311641861000 #222

...if there was an option where you could choose to display the picture of the box art or a snap shot / screen shot of the gameplay.

Surely JNES has such option (and I believed you were familiar with that feature). It's capable of displaying box cover art images (or carts' covers, or whatever jpeg you want); have a look in general settings dialog (Ctrl+S), above the lang selection menu, called "ROM Browser" with a drop-down list next to it. There's a subfolder in JNES dir called "ArtWork" where you must place those jpg covers, besides they MUST have the same name as actual roms (excluding the file extension).
And, oh, if you wish to get the whole pack of those images (without roms - only jpgs) - check out the "Download" thread somewhere within this site. A great guy Gent shared that for everyone - I credit his awesome work!

@ Jabo
Yep, it's me again. Got the next idea concerning posting capabilities: Jabo, what do you think about adding such feature as the ability to post pictures.... er, I mean snapshots taken directly from the emu! We now have to submit a link to some remote pix hosting server (or file sharing server); come to think of it: it's much easier & quicker to post it here. For instance I've got to report some issue, I made a screenshot of it - so I simply make a brief description and attach a supportive pic. btw some other forums added this long-long ago....

Jabo 1311661640000 #223

That's why I wonder whether it'll happen once again?

I do not intend on changing the save format again, it usually coincides with major changes with how the emulator works which I do not foresee.

I think the artwork packs with box art pictures of each game is a good idea. I just wish that you didn't need to have the whole NES collection of good ROMs and Bad ROMs, aka 'Good Rom Names Convention'.

The pack was made by Gent, and I believe he picked Good Rom Names because it is one of the most popular and there is automated tools to rename files, I also use that naming convention for my collection. You do not need to have the entire Good ROM collection to use his pack, I have very little of it actually.

Jnes does not require any naming convention at all either, if you right-click on a ROM in the artwork browser there is an option to change the artwork, regardless of the name of the file. Internally Jnes looks in the artwork subfolder for an jpg image matching the filename of the ROM, it's that simple. Play around with it a bit, it probably does what you need already, it's quite simple.

This way people can see what the gameplay of the game actually looks like. An example of an emulator that has this feature is the arcade emulator, MAMEUI.

You should be able to make an artwork pack for this today with no problems, again right-click on the game and simply change the image. If you put a pack like this together I'm sure it would be an interesting alternative to the box-art pack already available.

Yep, it's me again. Got the next idea concerning posting capabilities: Jabo, what do you think about adding such feature as the ability to post pictures.... er, I mean

That ability is present on the site but it's disabled because I didn't like how it was being implemented at the time... I'll see about putting it back but it might take some time.
REPLY updated 1311662105000

squall_leonhart 1311744214000 #224

btw jabo, i've refined my accurate palette and renamed it to Coax-PAL, since it simulates the colours experienced on a RF connected NES.

Jabo 1311762573000 #225

cool would like to check it out, paste me a link to it?

HQX 1311801104000 #226

Yes I know there are box cover art images. I was saying that it would be nice to beable to display gameplay screenshots as well or instead of the box cover art images. Does anyone have a screenshot pack so it can be used as an alternative to the box cover art images? I thought that the whole colleciton of ROMs were needed for this add-on. So to be honest, I actually never winded up downloading/trying this add-on. Now that I know that you can delete whatever ROMs you don't want, I will give this add-on feature a try. I used MAMEUI as an example because I think that is a brilliant feature to beable to see the game's Flyer, Screenshot, Marquee, Title, History, etc. And I think it would be great if one day something like that was made for the NES where you could see the game's: Box Cover Image, Manuel, History, Screenshot, Flyer, and Title.

Gerhalt 1311814366000 #227

...I think that is a brilliant feature to beable to see the game's Flyer, Screenshot, Marquee, Title, History, etc.

Truly nice idea, HOWEVER:
1) such goal presupposes very hard work which is both time & energy consuming, thus I don't think Jabo has that much time & will to fulfill it;
2) there are MYRIADS of sites all over the NET that let you know almost every aspect of your fave consoles & games;
3) the major part of users simply don't need it - they just load their game of choice into an emu & enjoy.

Finally, I suggest you to try out RetroCopy - another fine multiplatform emu - it's got those features mentioned, not all of them but a lot. btw it "utilizes the most precise emulation available" AND HAS HQ4X renderer.

Iconoclast 1311892934000 #228

I've finally got my brains & hands onto some creativity and made an image of 'Jnes' that I'm gonna use for the icon. It's in "embrio" state for now, gonna make it better. Take it here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=81OWESBI, AND DON'T HESITATE TO POST MORE FEEDBACK! I need to know your opinion since I'm doing this for everybody. Guys, Gent, Iconoclast & Squall, please, leave some comments. Hope to hear from you!

Sorry I think you asked later for me to wind back to find that and leave feedback on that newer icon, but I've been busily procrastinating and have been trying to reply about that the past couple of nights before getting disconnected by authorities XD.

Hopefully it'll make it this time. It's very good geometrically speaking. What I wasn't sure about is the fundamental design from its appearance for the NES emulator's icon, but then again, "Jnes" is a sort of generic name for an emulator. So in a way it fits in very nice regardless.

Gerhalt 1311899445000 #229

So in a way it fits in very nice regardless.

Thanks bud! Yep, I know it doesn't fit with the NES console image, unless I redo the caption into a plastic look. I was wondering why not make that icon 100% in a 3D editor. So I ask of you to give me at least general idea of what look should it have.

Iconoclast 1311927305000 #230

I was wondering why not make that icon 100% in a 3D editor.

Depends, sometimes high-level interfaces tend to only have optimized vector-design results and not the low-level raster-design results in the ultimate pixel map that is the final icon. As an example I can see that almost none of the pixels in this PNG are 100% opaque and have a transparency applied throughout.

Iconoclast 1311927395000 #231

So I ask of you to give me at least general idea of what look should it have.

But having just referred to the design, again even the green color I think fits in with the 8-bit theme, but in order to be a thematic icon it needs to have something else in it besides text to symbolize an emulator like Jnes or the NES system.

Gerhalt 1311944459000 #232

I can see that almost none of the pixels in this PNG are 100% opaque and have a transparency applied throughout.

How do you know that? Transparencies are only there where they're needed (gradients for edges smoothing), the rest of the pixels is opaque. As for the vector graphics - it's way too simple, I mean if you even make smth. isometric it'll still look flat with no depth. That's why I stick to any metallic/plastic texture - it gives an object the "feel of volume".

...but in order to be a thematic icon it needs to have something else in it besides text to symbolize an emulator like Jnes or the NES system.

Did you notice the font used (Amoebic)? It's pixellized so that it fits 8-bit theme nice, doesn't it? Ummmmm, maybe gamepad is missing or a cart, or both? Gimme a clue OK?

HQX 1311994042000 #233

I wasn't proposing those features be implemented in Jnes. The box art image add-on for Jnes got me thinking about how it would be nice to beable to see Flyers, Screen Shots, History, Manuel, etc. as well as the box art, just like MAMEUI does for arcade games. I wasn't suggesting it be implemented in Jnes. I was just thinking outloud. What I am suggesting is to definitely add the HQX video filters to Jnes.

Iconoclast 1312044039000 #234

How do you know that? Transparencies are only there where they're needed (gradients for edges smoothing), the rest of the pixels is opaque.

The center pixels just appear opaque. The strict alpha-layer definition is that even the pixels that appear opaque have at least 3 percent transparency in them. Any pixel-map editor that shows you the alpha layer of RGBA bitmaps will report this in the PNG you uploaded.

Did you notice the font used (Amoebic)? It's pixellized so that it fits 8-bit theme nice, doesn't it?

I am not really versed with modern fonts so much as a list of the older ones, but that would explain the ability to produce the text in that shape. It's a fantastic use.

Ummmmm, maybe gamepad is missing or a cart, or both? Gimme a clue OK?

Well I don't know; I am not an objective thinker very much when it comes to visual design.

A game pad sounds the most appropriate upfront. Then the next question would be how to integrate the currently rendered text object with respect to the game pad art.

Gerhalt 1312127770000 #235

Jabo, I want you to integrate 2 more mappers into the EMU! They are 016 & 112. Got'em both and ready to up'em once you've confirmed "OK to insert".
Gotta mention this: as far as I know any given mapper consists of ###.cpp & ###.h files, right? It seems however that diff. emus need diff. files - and that's my guess, since while googling for those mappers I came across the files having diff. sizes (featuring with var. emus). So I keep wondering whether this is true?

Jabo 1312181081000 #236

Thanks for asking before you upload it, I realize it's sounds simple but it's not okay to take someone's code and insert it, beyond that it will not work since all software is written differently.

When I looked at those mappers before they weren't games I was interested in really supporting, #16 looks like Dragon Ball Z series, #112 I'm not familiar with, and probably there wasn't any documentation on them at the time. I'll have another look at them in the future.

Gerhalt 1312185369000 #237

...beyond that it will not work since all software is written differently.

OK, I got it. Betcha you'll have to convert them into JNES compatible syntax. Sorry for causing you so much trouble by asking this & that... But hey! Fave emu MUST BE better than that! I'm sure the addition of several more mappers (as well as implementing HQ4x filter) will make it more attractive for any user out there!

Mapper 16 is used by "Magical Taruruuto Kun - Fantastic World!!", a fine japanese adventure game and 112 one is needed to run "Huang Di", a chinese Ninja Gaiden-like platformer.
REPLY updated 1312441190000

HQX 1312233331000 #238

I am just curious and I'm not trying to rush you. I'm just wondering when do you think a version of Jnes, that contains the HQ4X filters, will be released? A month? A few months? A year?

Gerhalt 1312251790000 #239

...when do you think a version of Jnes, that contains the HQ4X filters, will be released?

Ummm.... Actually I have no idea. Hopefully, this fall (or by Xmas - Jabo will give us one superb present ), maybe even later. I suppose it depends on his free time, inspiration, the strong will to update THE EMU etc. Jabo, can you hear us?! You're out of schedule, man! - Kidding Please, check out Crisis Force issue, alright?

There were really many requests, so I guess the wishlist is overloaded with the stuff, thus it's quite difficult to make everything at a time (take in account that there must be much debugging). He'll proceed step by step - it's a pretty long way. I'm certain the update will definitely "see the light of day".... sooner or later.
REPLY updated 1312252398000

HQX 1312329395000 #240

Are there any mappers included in Jnes that is not included in Nestopia? I believe that Nestopia is the most compatible NES emulator, hence has the most mappers. But are there any mappers that Jnes has which aren't included in Nestopia?

(I think Nestopia can play every licensed & unlicensed game that was made during the NES era. If anyone knows of a game that Nestopia can't play, please tell me the name of the game? NOT INCLUDING Homebrew games. There are always going to be some homebrew games that an NES emulator can't play.)

Gerhalt 1312335122000 #241

Are there any mappers included in Jnes that is not included in Nestopia?

As stated in JNES' help file, the following mappers are supported:
Nintendo - MMC1, MMC2, MMC3, MMC4, MMC5 (partial)
iNES - 0, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 21, 23, 24, 25, 32, 34, 66, 69, 71, 79, 113, 225, 235
Now you might want to have a look at Nestopia's docs that should contain such specs. Though the number of emulated mappers is impressive I doubt there are any Nestopia doesn't support.

@ Jabo
Help file's very helpful indeed. I found the actual command line switches' syntax there (relative\\path\\to\\jnes.exe ?-switch(es)? "relative\\path\\to\\rom_image"), but I'm still curious whether it'll understand more than 1 switch at a time? I'd also like to learn more of those.

HQX 1312337464000 #242

Right after I posted the message, I thought of lookin gin the help file for the answer and there it was. I would have deleted my post but I didn't have the ability to do so. Agreed, the help file is very helpful.

Jabo 1312354856000 #243

but I'm still curious whether it'll understand more than 1 switch at a time? I'd also like to learn more of those.

It should support multiple command line options, I often use -relaunchmce and -exitonclose when integrating with windows media center

I would have deleted my post but I didn't have the ability to do so.

You should have the ability to signup for an account, at the top somewhere it should have a link to register.

Gerhalt 1312378089000 #244

Jabo, I beg your pardon, but still ask you to check out what's wrong with Crisis Force emulation. There's absolute mess within the screen - artifacts are everywhere!
Hope you wouldn't mind my reminding, just wanna play it like in the old days.

Riony 1312468282000 #245

When I looked at those mappers before they weren't games I was interested in really supporting, #16 looks like Dragon Ball Z series

Mapper #16 would be great. Dragon Ball Z 3 is the only game I can't play with Jnes at this moment. I think DBZ3 is a very good game, although I was never able to finish it because I couldn't read Japanese. Now I could use gamefaqs for that purpose

Jabo 1312476209000 #246

what's wrong with Crisis Force emulation.

I have Crisis Force (J) it does not have any problems, I can't find the original post about this but I think you had mentioned you had a [h] rom if I remember right that means it's hacked.

Gerhalt 1313415448000 #247

Umm, Jabo, got the next stupid question for you: what are those abbreviations in roms' names stand for? What exactly do [a1~n] (alpha?), [f1~n], [o1~n], [p1~n] mean, huh? And what if there are several roms having 'PRG0' or 'PRG1' within the name?

Jabo 1313480269000 #248

Gerhalt 1313500283000 #249

Hey, thanks! That helped. I feel so ashamed to ask that kind of stuff... Somehow forgot to look for those at wiki.

I guess the thread becomes more & more helpful with each comment typed.

Nick 1313599462000 #250

I had lots of fun using JNES on my 32-bit XP computer. After many years, that computer finally shit the bed. I've just gotten a new computer with 64-bit Windows 7 but can't get JNES to work properly.

When I start a game in both versions 1.0.2 and 0.6, the game plays at 4.37FPS and there is no audio. Tinkering with compatibilities has no effect. The only thing I've noticed that has any effect is unchecking "Limit FPS", which makes games go insanely fast.

As far as audio goes, here's the error I get:
[7:23:51 PM 17/8/2011] Error 0x88890008 - Buffer playback failed

Here's my System Information:
Operating System: Windows NT 6.1 Service Pack 1
Installed Memory: 4095 MB
Video Description: Intel(R) HD Graphics Family (116)
Video Driver: igdumdx32.dll (Vendor: 8086)
Video Caps: Clipping NO; Stretch YES; Fillrect YES
Video Memory: 1694 mb FREE

Does anyone know of a solution?

Gerhalt 1313633343000 #251

@ Nick
I bet the reason for the issue is your video driver. You might want to run DirectX test in order to make sure it works properly. Call the "RUN" window then type "dxdiag", DX Diagnostic Tool will appear, run tests of DirectDraw & DirectSound in it. Jabo suggests to use drivers found at Windows Update. Anyway, you should try installing & checking out another video driver available for your hardware. I use far outdated one (2009) - it works OK unlike the new one which causes the "black screen" issue.

@ Jabo
Now your turn. What's on your mind?
btw, wanna ask a favor (hope not to get on your nerves) once again - all about mapper 15, it's needed to run Phantasy Star 2 which is a converted version of PSIV from Genesis/MegaDrive. Would you mind implementing it into the emu?

Nick 1313712328000 #252

Got it! Error 0x88890008 was a DirectSound error. I read that Win7 doesn't like 44.1kHz, which made me think that something somewhere is being picky about frequency. It turns out my audio settings were at 24-bit 96000 Hz. Changing the setting to 24-bit 48000 Hz fixed both the audio and framerate. Thanks for your help!

Gerhalt 1313720336000 #253

@ Nick
I'm glad you solved the problem. But why using 24-bit sound? It actually has no effect and as far as I know there's no real sound of that quality, the trick is in emulating it. Certain software processes audio output signal so that you think it's unbelievable. Win 7 DO likes the standard PCM sound (wave) whose properties are 16-bit stereo sound with 44KHz discretization frequency. Come to think of it now: could Windows hate its own native wave format? That's it!
I once owned Creative SoundBlaster X-Fi card (got rid of it because of the bugged driver) and set the playback to 24-bit 192KHz (an ear-candy quality ). Didn't feel much difference and you wouldn't. That's due to the human ear phisiology - we just can't detect that sort of sound quality. Anyway, you decide.

Jabo 1313739717000 #254

It turns out my audio settings were at 24-bit 96000 Hz. Changing the setting to 24-bit 48000 Hz fixed both the audio and framerate. Thanks for your help!

That's an incredibly helpful piece of information, according to MSDN that error is:


quite interesting...

it's needed to run Phantasy Star 2 which is a converted version of PSIV from Genesis/MegaDrive

I'll have a look some time at it in addition to the others, doesn't hurt to ask!
REPLY updated 1313739836000

Gerhalt 1313756746000 #255

Ummmmmm... Jabo, got several suggestions:
1) you said you'll consider the support for localizing messages appearing in status bar, errors are also displayed there, and I believe it'll be really awesome if ANY status bar message could be translated;
2) attributes (as well as their values) of "ROM Info" dialog such as CHR banks, PRG banks and the type of mirroring would look great when displayed alongside other values (rom name, size, mapper & backup ram support) that are in ROM browser list view mode.

Oh, almost forgot to make a small bug report: a fantastic & superior rpg game that is Armed Dragon Fantasy Villgust Gaiden has an irritating background shaking issue. However it occurs in certain battle arena only - plain terrain fight, where the mountains are outlined. Please have a look.
REPLY updated 1313757401000

Nick 1313766916000 #256

Dell decided to point their speakers diagonally downward on their 2011 Inspiron. The idea being, sound would bounce off the surface of a desk to the user. The way my desk is set up though, my laptop droops over the edge of a platform that rolls out, which means there's no surface for sound to bounce off. Before I realized this, I just thought it was a dumb design choice by Dell because I had to be underneath my laptop for sound not to seem muffled . I wanted to see if I could compensate by adjusting audio settings and thought "bigger numbers must be better quality". That, and the higher settings were labeled Studio Quality, and the lower stuff DVD and CD quality. I thought I noticed a difference, but if a slight downgrade means the difference between listening to MegaMan or not, it's totally worth it. Thanks again for your help!

Glad I could help uncover some juicy info. Excellent work with Jnes. I use it often to play/listen to MegaMan. My favorite feature is disabling individual audio channels. The audio graph it pretty sweet too.

Jabo 1313849951000 #257

Oh, almost forgot to make a small bug report: a fantastic & superior rpg game that is Armed Dragon Fantasy Villgust Gaiden has an irritating background shaking issue.

will do thanks again!

Gerhalt 1314017178000 #258

Launched JNES as usual, loaded another rpg to continue the adventure... MY backup-ram SAVE's GONE. Not just this data - every NES native saves were nullified. JNES simply reseted all data stored within .sav files! "What a fool! Relied upon that unstable feature! Why the hell didn't I make quick saves?!" - I thought to myself. I'm well aware this is all my fault. To tell the truth, I trusted the native save feature more and my faith lead me to disaster. Feel so upset: all those hours spent into nothing...
Why the hell JNES touches those saves if the rom isn't loaded at all?

Meanwhile, keep wondering what could cause this. Maybe, it's how JNES reacts toward certain rom with unsupported mapper... Jabo, will you comment on the issue?
REPLY updated 1314102252000

AMX1494 1314027247000 #259

This is the Romanian translation of Jnes. I will update if necessary...
http://www.mediafire.com/?1rn9a0p375sqcr9. I have also posted this on EmuTalk. http://www.emutalk.net/threads/53324-Romanian-Translation?p=441898#post441898

AMX1494 1314027539000 #260

The Romanian Translation is available here http://www.mediafire.com/?1rn9a0p375sqcr9

Jabo 1314182454000 #261

This is the Romanian translation of Jnes. I will update if necessary...

Looks good thanks for the submission

Centrix 1314298139000 #262

Was wondering when we can expect a new Jnes or PJ64 Jabo? sorry if I'm out of line asking this, I know some developers don't like being asked when this and when that.

Jabo 1314539523000 #263

It's not out of line to ask, I think it's frowned upon generally because others usually convey a sense of entitlement, and most people have not contributed anything really. Anyway you seem like a down to earth person so no worries.

I still enjoy emulation projects but they are not my entire focus, as I've gotten older I have a wider variety of responsibilities. Jnes should have another release once I've gotten enough things done, I don't know when, but I usually have more free time in the winter.

Project64 is a bit different, I tried going back to that project earlier in the year, but for reasons I can't go into right now, the project is a miserable failure to work on. Anyway that's all I can say for now, I'll leave discussion about that project to other websites.
REPLY updated 1314540182000

Gerhalt 1314667553000 #264

Was just thinking of new mappers integration. The following came to my mind: additional mappers means additional problems, right? Correct me if I'm wrong but I suppose it might be wise to focus on fixing known bugs instead. What's your plan Jabo? Which one of these is in higher priority?

Meanwhile... I'm testing more games. Bugs found this far: while playing Wai Wai World (aka Konami World) noticed var. background corrupted graphics flaws, especially within flying levels (mapper related?) where refresh delay of ~half of the entire bg image is way too low. You'd better see for yourself & decide how to fix that. Umm, sorry for such pressure alright? The next one's its successor - Konami World 2. Has virtually same issues, not so many however. Horizontal lines of artifacts are seen when the game uses vertical scroll. Those are most noticeable bugs but there are also smaller ones though.
REPLY updated 1314794065000

Jabo 1314864147000 #265

Yea, well adding anything in addition always has the potential to introduce new issues so for me it's a very delicate situation as I do not wish to really do much.

As far as Wai Wai World et al I will take a look, buggy backgrounds do seem familiar but I will take a look in case.

HQX 1314994763000 #266

Jabo, have you decided if you will definitely add the HQ4X video filters to the next Jnes release? I know when I first mentioned it, your response seemed like you would consider it. You even mentioned that you already implemented it in your own personal Jnes that you've been working on. So I'm assuming that it can be easily added since you've already tried it. Especially since video filters shouldn't produce any unknown problems and if it does, they can be easily fixed (such as problems switching from fullscreen to window and vice versa). So I'm just curious if you are planning on definitely adding the HQX video filters to the next Jnes release?

Gerhalt 1315057272000 #267

Hey, HQX! Why haven't you registered yet? Do it, man! After all, you don't lose anything, right? If you really like JNES and wish it to become more advanced, come join us (I hope Jabo wouldn't mind my agitation)!

Now Jabo, I once asked you to implement some mappers. I played them again on Nestopia just to make sure whether they're worth it, and I actually don't think they are. As you once answered me that you aren't interested in supporting crappy games' mappers - I agree. Getting rid of detected bugs must be prioritized.

Jabo 1315114585000 #268

hehe cool sounds good Gerhalt

Jabo, have you decided if you will definitely add the HQ4X video filters to the next Jnes release?

Yes I'd definitely like to add it, I have not done this yet but when I get time to do another release I will make sure this is in it. I'm not expecting any major problems with it, and I might even remove 2xSaI as no one seems to like it anymore.

Gerhalt 1315140790000 #269

and I might even remove 2xSaI as no one seems to like it anymore.

Don't do that! That's my fave renderer engine. I'm used to it so much that I can't imagine emulation being devoid of it. Just leave it alone. Let it be.
I know that many users out there like to play in fullscreen mode (which I don't since the difference between 512x448 and 1680x1050 is obvious), which causes the overall image distortion by stretching it along the entire screen. I also know of options capable of preserving the original aspect ratio by clipping the rest of the screen with black bars... You may call me silly but I like windowed mode with 2xSai. There's no such filter that could upscale the whole emulation image contents without blurring shapes & contours, like that of vector graphics.

And a question: Jabo, I'm just curious whether JNES has an ability to log its activity? I'm comparing to Nestopia which creates such a useful log doc. I'm also certain it could come in handy when debugging.
REPLY updated 1315185843000

squall_leonhart 1315416031000 #270

2xSaI is good for eye damage. (as in it will stab your eyes)

Gerhalt 1315442049000 #271

as in it will stab your eyes

I guess you mean reading white font outlined upon black bg and staring at blurred silhouettes moving along blurred bg debris. You are right since it doesn't depend on filter or anything. The text is best viewed & read on white or light-blue background. As for the sprites, I don't think sharp but squared images won't damage eyes either 'cuz those are unnatural to behold. I read some games related magazines in pdf, and I hate editors who let articles to be set into white (text) upon red (bg) or similar. I'm aware that it's made in order to attract readers to some exact stuff, I believe this ain't worth creating such a pressure on eyes.

squall_leonhart 1315658265000 #272

no, its more the fact 2xSaI is bad at anything more than a 1024x768 resolution.

Gerhalt 1315659854000 #273

I can hardly recall the last time I used emulation in fullscreen. So perhaps it's true. I suppose it's gonna be fun to compare 2xSaI & HQ4X within our beloved emu, especially in fullscreen mode.
Squall, I'll follow your advice and run JNES in 1680x1050 - my Sync Master's desktop res with 2xSaI enabled and watch sprites & stuff.

squall_leonhart 1315737017000 #274

you'll notice corruption on the edges of sprites due to a improper interpolation.

HQX 1315753124000 #275

I bet you that you will never use 2xSaI once HQ4X is implemented in Jnes. Would you watch the movie Star Wars on a VHS video tape, when you can watch it on a DVD or Blu-Ray? Would you listen to a song on a cassette tape, when you can listen to the song on a CD? Probably not. I'd rather use no video filters than use 2xSaI. 2xSaI is so blurry. Oh and by the way, when you compare video filters, it's always best to compare them in fullscreen mode. But I agree that 2xSaI shouldn't be removed. I don't see the point of removing something just for the sake of removing it. Unless removing it would be benficial to the emulator in some way I am unaware of. And I do plan on registering when I return home soon.

Gerhalt 1316263456000 #276

Tested several games in fs mode with 2xSaI. Set correct aspect ratio filling the rest of the screen in black bars. Didn't notice that much corruption of sprites except for upscaling flaws leading to superlative blur. Actually it's quite hard to watch in fs since nothing is sharp thus eyes getting tired after a short while, which if not interrupted might lead to terrible headaches and other symptoms of overstrain.
P.S. Who needs "clear type" smoothing technology when there's extremely sharp normal font? Kinda joke...
REPLY updated 1316329165000

Gabcent2 1316514791000 #277

Can anyone give me advice as to how to fix issues with gameplay? As an example, Super Mario Bros and Megaman both have issues with the way the characters jump (they don't jump high enough to get over obstacles). Is this an issue with the emulator or the ROM?

Thanks for any help and thanks for all the work you all put in; I downloaded thee games for my daughter.

Gerhalt 1316522774000 #278

they don't jump high enough to get over obstacles

Well, as far as I know, these games' specific feature is that a player is able to control the jump height of respected protagonists meaning the longer one holds down the jump button the higher a character hops (limited for obvious reasons). Thus if you release jump button at once and/or tap it like crazy the character will bounce just like that.

There's one more thing that could cause such behavior: in case you're using a keyboard as an input device, it has an internal limit for 3 & more keys pressed simultaneously, mostly for symbol keys though. That means the 3rd ingame action would be blocked (e.g. jumping somewhere & shooting at the same time).
The way to work this around is: 1) remapping your buttons to, say, alphabetical keys; 2) using a gamepad.

Gerhalt 1316742489000 #279

Bugreport: in TetraStar the Fighter there are:
1) planetary surface is blinking (supposed to cover bg image behind it) and revealing bg scenery;
2) certain sprites are trembling (especially noticeable when paused), e.g. your star-fighter sprite.
3) the 'start' button not responding sometimes, thus making it unable to pause the game
4) some enemies when shot down make the whole screen flash, at this very moment the entire emulation image is distorted to the left.

HQX 1317603763000 #280

I have been searching around this website but I could not find this site's official forum. Does this site have an official forum?

Also, I saw under the link's section, the "Tecmo Super Bowl Heaven" game fan site. In the description it says roster updates. How is it possible to update the rosters in that game when that feature wasn't available back then? How exactly do you get your roster updated for that game?

I would also like to find a Top # site for best/favorite/hardest/gems etc. NES games. But the site MUST include a snapshot of each game's gameplay along with a little paragraph for each game. I like to read people's Top #. One of the main reasons why I like to read those is because I like to discover new NES games that I've never played or heard of. I will give you some examples of what I am looking for. I am looking for sites similiar to:

Racketboy.com's Top #. That site is my favorite. They have a few Top # such as "Best Undiscovered NES Games" and others lists.

sydlexia.com/top100nes.htm. This is a very good list.

http://www.retro-sanctuary.com/TOP%20100%20NES%20GAMES.html. Another great list.

IGN's Top 100 NES Games. This list is probably the most read list.

So does anyone know of any other sites/lists like these?????

HQX 1317756200000 #281

What happened to my post that I posted here a couple days ago. For some reason, it said it had to be reviewed before being allowed to get posted here. And so far, it has not been posted yet.

Gerhalt 1317819179000 #282

Hey, bud! I'll explain: in case your comment includes ANY exterior url, it must pass moderation of Jabo. It's kinda precaution method for spam probability. Thus, if it isn't here yet it means that it hasn't been approved. It's that simple. btw, come to think of it - I didn't hear from him for quite a while. That's strange a bit.
And before I forget: when you register here those 'passes' won't bother you anymore.

Maverick_Hunter_X 1317867347000 #283

Wow top 100 NES games, I don't even think there is 100 good nes games out there that would fit to my liking.

Here's my list, but the order is not how much I like them but how many that I think is the best of the best.

1. Battle of Olympus
2. Castlevania
3. Castlevania 2
4. Castlevania 3
5. Kid Icarus
6. Kirby's Adventure
7. Legend of Zelda
8. Mega Man
9. Mega Man 2
10. Mega Man 3
11. Mega Man 4
12. Mega Man 5
13. Mega Man 6
14. Metroid
15. Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
16. Super Mario Bros.
17. Super Mario Bros. 2
18. Super Mario Bros. 3
19. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

My top # list counts 19
I'm very picky when it comes to games.

Gerhalt 1317904757000 #284

Bugreport of yet another awesome RPG game that is Ys. There's an issue of HUD moving from its proper place (the bottom of the screen) to the incorrect one (the top). Actually, it occurs at certain ingame moments: when accessing the main menu by pressing 'SELECT', and when the game switches to dialog screens (if Adol enters a house or such). It distorts the position of bg image (portrait of a speaker, menu text), while sprites (cursor arrow, icons of items) remain in their proper spot so that they don't correspond with the text.
REPLY updated 1318127932000

HQX 1318281392000 #285

Yes, I know about emuparadise, it's my preferred site for "you know what." Regarding my the "Top #" lists I am searching for... As I posted in my original post, I ONLY want lists that have a SCREENSHOT of the game along with a PARAGRAPH or two of the writer's OPINION/DESCRIPTION of the game. That is why I gave examples of the type of lists that I am looing for in my original post. I like seeing that screenshot so I can get a feel of how the gameplay is and what the game looks like. And I enjoy reading a brief write-up of the description and opinion of the writer of the game. Look at the examples of the lists that I posted in my previous post... those are the type of lists that I am looking for. I want to find those hidden gems. I want to find those great games that most people have NEVER played. So if anyone knows or finds a list that I am looking for, please let me know. Remember, the list MUST include a screenshot of the game and a brief write-up of the description/opinion of the game. Gerhalt... if you don't know of any lists like that (other than the lists that I already posted in my previous post), then I wouldn't mind hearing your opinion on some of your hidden NES gems. A hidden gem means a good game that most people have never played and/or even heard of.

Gerhalt 1318301171000 #286

Hmmmm, where do I begin? Right! I know such a list of games with a screenshot & a brief description of a poster, BUT it's in my native lang which is Russian. Anyway, no-one forbids you to use, say, Google translation in order to get at least general idea of what is told there, no? You might want to have a look there: http://www.emu-land.net/consoles/dendy/roms
I can also post the list of my fave games which I consider to be the greatest ones. If you'd like to 'hear' it I'll gladly share that info.
REPLY updated 1318767387000

HQX 1318484287000 #287

Aha, so both HQX and Maverick_Hunter_X represent one person. I suspected that but wasn't 100% sure

huh? I am not Maverick Hunter. What made you randomly think/say that?

HQX 1318537698000 #288

You didn't upset me. I just didn't understand why you would think that I would pretend to be another person for no reason that responds to my own post. But no big deal.

Yes, I'd like to hear some of your hidden gems. As I said before, hidden gems means good games that most people have never played before or even heard of. I hope you understand what I'm looking for. Maverick X didn't understand my post because every game he listed is well known to people. Everyone has heard of and played those games that he listed. So those games that he listed were not what I was looking for. So please only list "hidden gems".

Gerhalt 1318565157000 #289

Geronimo! Firstly I'd like to list several RPGs that once came to my attention and never left my collection:
Guardian Legend which is a complex & very addictive action packed shmup adventure with rpg elements (maybe it isn't that rare but still a masterpiece);
Armed Dragon Fantasy - Villgust Gaiden is another spectacular rpg (pure rpg - there's a party of 5 characters) with nice tunes & visuals (note that it was never released outside Japan meaning that the original game is in Japanese only, I used a hack version with terrible translation, and even that couldn't spoil such an amazing game), it might have disappointed a player in only one way - too short - your party is barely level 20 but you're about to face the final boss ;
Willow (personally I never heard of this brilliant game, so I was overjoyed having found it) tells us a story of another teenager swordsman who according to ancient prophecy will kick some dark ass thus bringing peace to land lol, it's an action rpg where Willow the protagonist wanders around huge mazes slashing the crap out of monsters;
Ys is another one of those overlooked games (because of its difficulty) that hasn't been released in US or Europe, but you are still able to enjoy it thanks to some great guy who translated it for us, it's a single character rpg where Adol has to run into stuff to kill it, btw I'm a big fan of Ys series so I insist that you have it checked out;
finally, there goes a direct sequel to the previous game which is Ys II: Ancient Ys Vanished, it's even more complex than the original, but since the gameplay is accelerated ~3 times, it becomes easier to navigate through.
There's also Ys III: Wanderers from Ys, albeit I'd recommend playing its derivatives for either Sega Genesis or Nintendo SNES since it runs under mapper 118 which is unsupported by JNES. btw the version for Turbo GraFX CD has an outstanding bgm tunes (because of a cd quality tracks) which suit the game so much.
I know one more (actually not one but many, I simply don't consider them to be worth mentioning) nice rpg that is Majin Eiyuu Den Wataru Gaiden, though I doubt you'd be interested in it since there wasn't any decent translation into English which means you'll have to deal with loads of hieroglyphs
OK, I'm done with RPGs for now. I'll post the rest later. So what do you think?
REPLY updated 1318595523000

HQX 1318799059000 #290

Thanks. Nice list. I see you listed all RPGs. I'm not that big of a fan of RPGs. As I got older, I no longer have the patience for them. So RPGs is the only genre that I don't really enjoy. I'd like to hear some more of your hidden gems, (but don't list any RPGs.)

Gerhalt 1318820026000 #291

Understood. Here we go:
Gremlins 2 - The New Batch is a top-down action adventure where you help Gizmo to get rid of his nefarious siblings, this game was developed by Sunsoft which means the soundtrack is composed by Naoki Kodaka so I like it very much;
Little Samson is another awesome game, in which kid Samson with 3 faithful companions (4 playable characters, each with unique capabilities) is summoned by the king who then briefs them to save the kingdom from the awakened dark creatures... blah-blah-blah anyway, you'd better try it out yourself;
Over Horizon represents side scrolling shmup game that has an astonishing bgm (imho) and the overall quality is nigh-on;
I also recommend you to have a look at Knightmare 2 - Maze of Galious where you control both Popolon the legendary warrior and his wife Aphrodite (one helping the other to get past certain places) helping them to navigate around the vast labyrinth, btw you'll have to use a hacked (translated) version of the game since there are lots of hints scattered throughout the levels;
the next one is another game by Sunsoft, Journey to Silius, which is a pretty straightforward platformer shmup, but the composer of every tune is Naoki Kodaka meaning that the soundtrack will be superb;
I'd like to mention WURM - a Journey to the Center of Earth for it's a fine game in every aspect;
as you know, there were a number of unlicensed games for NES... Nintendo simply didn't approve them, but that doesn't mean they're crappy, does it? so Secret Ties is one of those uncertified gems, where Silk the world famous artifacts thief turns out to be not that bad while saving his lady from the clutches of rich villain bloke;
I actually have no idea whether ShatterHand is a rare game or not, but I keep the original Famicom version Tokyuu Shirei Solbrain which was inspired by the movie & matched it better;
finally, there goes Konami's Zen Intergalactic Ninja in which Zen (originally a comic book hero) must counter Lord Contaminous in order to free Earth from total pollution-contamination, btw Zen is my avatar extracted directly from this game, so as you might have already guessed he's one of my fave characters
I decided to submit one more title here, Wagyan Land (there are actually 3 games of this name), it's a pity that there are only Famicom versions (no translated hacks out there ) though &, which is more important, all 3 games utilize mappers unsupported by JNES

HQX 1318979182000 #292

Now that's a list I wanted. Thanks. I discovered two games from that list that I think I will like alot:

Zen Intergalactic Ninja
Wagyan Land

I look foward to playing/beating these two games.

I already knew about and played/beat:

Gremlins 2
Little Samson
Journey to Silius

Little Samson is amazing. I recently found out about that game and it's now one of my favorite NES games. Gremlins 2 is a good game too. I haven't beat Shatterhand yet but I know I will like it. Journey to Silius I beat and that was a pretty good game. Did you know that game was supposed to be a Terminator game?

HQX 1318981988000 #293

Has anyone reported this bug? When you die playing "Super Mario Bros. (Japan, USA).nes", the sound that it makes is different than the sound that a real hardware would make.

HQX 1318982358000 #294

In your opinion, what video setting in Jnes looks most authentic to a real NES console? "Composite", "S-Video", "rgb", or "None"

HQX 1318983255000 #295

Hey Gerhalt, thanks for explaining how to use the artwork files earlier in the thread. I figured out how to make it work thanks to you. Do you know of a pack that has all screenshots of each game instead of boxart images?

HQX 1318983428000 #296

Sorry for the multiple posts, but is there a program that can rename all of my NES games to match the title of the boxart images?

HQX 1319060916000 #297

That website that you posted in post #285, emu-land, is recognized by both Mcafee and Norton as being unsafe. It says it has viruses, malware, and trojans.

I know of many sites that have screenshots of every single NES game. But I am looking for a pack that can be downloaded that has all the game's screenshots included in it. This way I don't have to download each game's screenshot individually.

I think I found a utility that can rename files. It's called ClrMamePro. It is used to rename MAME games and images. But I think it can also be used for other images and games. I just got to figure out how to use/work it because I don't want it to mess up any games and/or images I have if I happen to make a mistake while using it.

You never responded to this... Has anyone reported this bug for Jnes? When you die playing "Super Mario Bros. (Japan, USA).nes", the sound that it makes is different than the sound that a real hardware would make. Are you aware of this?

HQX 1319392775000 #298

Jabo, are you aware of the sound bug of Super Mario Bros. 1, the sound when Mario dies sounds different than the real NES hardware console?

Cat 1320105049000 #299

Ok then

HQX 1320174104000 #300

I started to get that impression and began to realize that too, unfortunately. I hope a new release with the HQ4X video filter included in it will be released before the end of the year. But that doesn't seem likely.

Jabo 1320225949000 #301

hehe I've probably been reading a bit more than posting sorry about that. Getting the update to Project64 out in the time frame that I wanted pushed me a bit more than I realized it would, but I haven't been actively working on PJ since either.

The next release will have the HQ filters implemented, and I'm sure other things that we've talked about, which will take time. Since I work on this as a hobby it makes it hard to do release planning which I realize can be frustrating, but that's the reality. I think we are looking at sometime in early 2012, that's really my feeling at the moment, but it could be earlier if things go well.
REPLY updated 1320229530000

Gerhalt 1320240685000 #302

Jabo! Thank Heavens you're okay! You know, the time's passing by but there was no response from you so it made me think something happened & that something isn't good at all! Actually, I'm very much relieved to hear from you again. There once was a moment I thought you had abandoned your 'child'... I Hope I'm wrong about that.
btw, have you noticed our bugreports on stuff?
REPLY updated 1320240883000

Jabo 1320247897000 #303

yea I think I'm up to date, I try to keep a list of these things somewhere. And no I won't abandon my child, Project64 was a bit of a different situation sadly

Gerhalt 1320328663000 #304

I once suggested this, but since I didn't get any reply on it, I'm posting once again. In JNES there are 2 things that I believe can be united. I'm talking of internal rom browser & "rom info" dialog box. My point is to get rid of the 2nd thing and transfer the parameters & values it displays to the 1st one. I suppose several more columns like "PRG banks", "CHR banks", and "Mirroring" won't overload the data seen within rom selector. They'd be even more useful when displayed there, no? Come to think of it: why do you have to call that window every time, if you can watch it just like that?
Meanwhile I'm using Nestopia in order to find out more useful stuff that can be integrated into the emu. It has a launcher dialog box, in which there are lots of handy info. For instance, it has an internal library of good roms headers, thus if a game is dumped fine you see "OK" next to other header tag info. Any comments?
Before I forgot: I hope the upcoming release will have translatable status bar. A small question regarding this: will the structure of localization file change?
REPLY updated 1320329330000

Jabo 1320394181000 #305

Well I guess it depends on your definition of useful, I would imagine very few people actually understand or care about those things, sometimes to keep things simple you have to sacrifice the details.

Additionally I'm not interested in integrating a library that detects the validity of your ROM images, while I can understand that is useful I just don't see that being the role of an emulator, nor a burden I wish to participate in quite frankly.

Yer the next release should have more translatable messages, and I do not see the format changing.

Gerhalt 1320499804000 #306

Copy that. But what about the occasional backup-ram saves erasure? Why is it happening? From what I've seen, it's unsafe to store certain saved data this way. I guess the only way out is to keep standard quick saves since they're more reliable.

Iconoclast 1320605086000 #307

I would just write a command script lol. Usually it's the opposite: the quick emulated machine saved states are much more prone to data corruption than the native saves to the cartridge. In this case it could just be per-game save format interpretation issues with the configuration, but I've never witnessed any of it myself.

Gerhalt 1320671752000 #308

I first noticed that behavior while attempting to run Kirby's Adventure. When I played it through the first time I didn't use state saves at all: why do I have to press F5 if the game has an autosave feature which works just fine? So, when I loaded the rom, I saw NO saved games. I wondered and decided that it's my fault and that it was me who had deleted the .sav file for some reason... That's why I didn't pay that much attention to the issue (with the exception of the fact that I'll have to burst through it once again).
Some time later I found my other RPGs saved data erased, but this time I knew I had kept those for sure...
My only fault was that I hadn't made quick saves since they could have helped me a lot with restoring ingame progress.

Iconoclast 1320703564000 #309

Well what operating system do you use? You sometimes alternate back and forth between administrator or regular user privileges on Windows, or you generally just stick to only one?

Gerhalt 1320717512000 #310

Well what operating system do you use?

XP. I've got a multi-boot dvd with 7, I just don't wanna upgrade for now. I suppose it has nothing to do with admin group members. Maybe it's some kind of backup-ram refresh routine that clears all data within those files... Anyway, Jabo ought to know the answer. btw, these .sav files are also interchangeable between certain emus: for instance, I played Kirby on Nestopia, then I simply copied the file to JNES' saves subdir and it worked ok, meaning they're compatible with each other. Now that's good.

HQX 1320790812000 #311

Jabo, have you noticed the weird sound when Mario dies in Super Mario Bros.? The sound it makes is different than the real NES hardware console.

Iconoclast 1320824309000 #312

Super Mario Bros.? Damn lol, I haven't played that game in years. I wonder where that NES is at....

And yeah that's because the original reprogrammable ROM save format as on the chips is used by the emulators, so either emulator can use them.

Jabo 1321009837000 #313

I don't think there is decent error handling in the SRAM saving area, perahsp I should sanity check this again to make sure nothing silly is happening and display file errors. I don't understand exactly what is causing that problem, ultimately the game manages its own save data, so either Jnes is not saving it properly or the game is whacky.

Jabo, have you noticed the weird sound when Mario dies in Super Mario Bros.? The sound it makes is different than the real NES hardware console.

I can't say off hand that I ever gave this particular sound effect any research, it wouldn't shock me if it was slightly off but it would be interesting to check out sometime.

Gerhalt 1321362120000 #314

I used hacked versions of Ys, Ys II & Villgust Gaiden since there are no NES versions, only Famicom ones. But as far as Nestopia's database can be trusted, Kirby's rom is dumped ok. Its SRAM is also erased though.
I've tried the original Japanese versions of both Ys and Villgust recently which resulted in the same way: I found both saves cleared after a while. I'm certain about only one thing - JNES clears them after some time, not at once.

Jabo 1321610230000 #315

hrm I have a suspision there is some kind of problem I just wish we could find a reliable way to reproduce it, like it happens every time you reset or something.

Gerhalt 1321628783000 #316

I guess it makes sense talking of resetting. btw Nestopia is capable of emulating both hard & soft resets, thus making me wonder which one of these is used in JNES...
Indeed, I reseted every game mentioned. At that time I didn't use quick saves at all, totally relying on native ones. So when walking through the games I pressed F1 in order to get to state select screen asap (especially if a character was about to die). BUT all saves were ok then. Additionally, I've also checked such behavior in Nestopia - sram is never erased unless you do that.
I suspect it has smthng to do with changing roms. For example, I tried out Ys, then I unloaded it and loaded Kirby.
I've got an idea: I create several .sav files, open their properties and check 'read-only', so while loading some rom JNES tries to edit the file(s) and gives an error box 'unable to modify *.sav file', thus letting me know it's trying to "update" backup-ram... Ummmm, unless JNES reports such issues, doesn't it?

squall_leonhart 1321669436000 #317

a hard reset is just hitting the power on and off.

Jabo 1321869691000 #318

Ummmm, unless JNES reports such issues, doesn't it?

Yea this is what I was talking about earlier, the error handling around SRAM is kind of terrible considering how valuable the data is to users. Another thing I will look at improving to it behaves as you mentioned.

btw Nestopia is capable of emulating both hard & soft resets

As squall_leonhart mentioned above hard reset is a bit of a strange name, it's just turning the power off. Technically speaking Jnes does this already when you first load a rom image, like a real NES would when you first turn the system on. The reset menu option behaves like the reset button on the NES, which I guess some call soft.

HQX 1323028938000 #319

Jabo, why don't you have a 'real' Jnes Forum? If you created a real forum, surely it would attract more users to Jnes. Gamers could get help, report problems, discuss emulation & games, etc. Practically every popular/good emulator has it's own official forum. So I think Jnes should have one too. And I think Jnes would benefit from it as well.

Jabo 1323066795000 #320

There is a Jnes forum over at emutalk, it seems to be buried in the NES section now, but it's still there. I had stopped linking to it because no one was using it... altho I suppose that didn't help really. Thanks for asking, I should of pointed you guys there earlier!


I've also added the link back on the front page for Jnes, hopefully people will find it easier now.
REPLY updated 1323068393000

Gerhalt 1323091940000 #321

Another bugreport:
Crystalis has an issue similar to the one in Ninja Gaiden 3. Whenever a text message box appears the rest of the visible background start to shake.

Here's my idea: while the snapshot feature's missing I suggest uploading a short movie clip to, say, MU. Recorded using a video dump feature that JNES is capable of. Jabo, what do you think?
REPLY updated 1323096718000

Jabo 1323193367000 #322

Yes I'm aware of the Crystalis issue

Not sure I entirely understand what you mean about the video but if you want to make one to help users feel free.
REPLY updated 1323196772000

Gerhalt 1323229330000 #323

I'll explain. I mean, there are certain ingame moments where an issue can be seen, and in order to witness those you may need to complete some part of a game, see? I guess in most cases you have neither time nor will to do that. Additionally, there are issues when a screenshot simply can't tell exactly how it happens since it's static. Thus one has to make several shots to show what's going on right there, but you'll have to watch those pics trying to compare, right? Wait! The emu's capable of dumping a video record, so one just makes a short video showing an issue, uploads it somewhere and posts a link to it. I bet it makes sense when submitting bugreports, no?

Iconoclast 1323259203000 #324

lol, um I don't suppose this static is like, so fast, that you can never pause the emulator (F2 keyboard shortcut) and catch it on the screen at the same time? If it's that fast, maybe it's more like a screen- or interrupt-updating problem rather than a display rendering thing.

Otherwise, maybe instead of having complete all that stuff about the game, you might be able to upload a save state you generate with the emulator that takes to a place where people can wander around the area and see the static themselves sooner or later?

Gerhalt 1323749579000 #325

Hey, Jabo! How's it going? Any progress?
Oh, and a question: since v. 1.0 zlib.dll is built into the emu, right? Will you consider integrating both unrar and 7zxa libraries either?

Iconoclast 1323867632000 #326

Pretty good, thank you.

Jabo 1324021018000 #327

Hey, Jabo! How's it going? Any progress?
Oh, and a question: since v. 1.0 zlib.dll is built into the emu, right? Will you consider integrating both unrar and 7zxa libraries either?

Pretty well, quite busy with work and the holidays, haven't been consistently working on things. I don't have much progress to share, and I've found users get frustrated to discuss upcoming changes without knowing exactly when they can have it!

I don't think I will consider integrating unrar or 7zip, have been asked about this in the past, just isn't something I am interested in, these days I'm trying to keep Jnes simple and stable where possible.
REPLY updated 1324292263000

Calamari 1324551975000 #328

Hi, I'm just curious as to if this emulator supports switching who controls player 1 while netplay is active. I'm not even sure there is netplay, but reading through a wall of text became boring after a while. Thanks.

Iconoclast 1324564815000 #329

Well in this case the device for NetPlay used is called Kaillera Client, so the emulator can call Kaillera like if you select under the Options menu.

Um, one time for an N64 emulator there was an implementation that let you switch controllers between eight slots, but that was an unreleased beta for a dead project. So no I don't think it's possible to switch whoever is behind controller 1 during a game on Kaillera in this case.

Gerhalt 1325942551000 #330

OK, thnx. And oh, I apologize I didn't wish you a Happy New Year & Merry Xmas, but I believe it's better late than never, so keep it up & godspeed!

Umm, I must confess - can't wait to try out the upcoming release... It's gonna be jaw-dropping & heart-pounding, I feel it!
REPLY updated 1326115943000

Jabo 1326105915000 #331

woops! should be fixed, sorry about that.

Gerhalt 1326684502000 #332

From what I heard there are 'closed' beta-tests for PJ64. Only certain persons are granted a copy of the emu before a public release.
I just wonder: will there be any kind of beta-test for JNES? If so, who's permitted to participate in such?

Jabo 1327137379000 #333

This is not Project64, but there are times when things are close to release, that I reach out to an extended audience to help test things, it's not something that is advertised, I usually just pick people who are actively communicating with me.

Gerhalt 1327461023000 #334

I reach out to an extended audience to help test things

Well, it's pretty clear why you do that. Taking in account that the emulation of N64 is far more complicated (sophisticated & complex) than that of NES. Additionally, and I believe this one's prime reason - priceless time. NES generation, and here I mean us, are now adults with private problems & families = children, that we're taking care of. Priorities of how to spend free time change with every fate's turn depending on where we live, work, what kind of society we're in and so on. Attitude to time as a precious resource takes advantage of our schedules dominating over other ones (time is money), and wasting it for something foolish means loss with the consequences not so good... Actually, there's much more to it, but I just wanna say I understand this isn't coming out of thin air + you develop the EMU for free!

Iconoclast 1327560393000 #335

you develop the EMU for free!

He DEVELOP the EMU for FREE!!!

Gerhalt 1327585374000 #336

Sure 'HE'. I typed 'you' cuz I addressed Jabo.
Spirits up lads! I can smell the fresh iteration of our beloved EMU!

Iconoclast 1327610230000 #337

What, me?

Oh no, I just typed "he" cause I addressed Jabo.

Gerhalt 1327632559000 #338

Hey, Iconoclast, I wanna ask you something out of this topic. You're using PJ64, aren't you? Which roms have you got? Which ones are your favorite?

Iconoclast 1327665689000 #339

lol, yeah apparently I can still use pj, been working on getting to work my own plugins and emulator though since zilmar was a very CBA kinda guy with completely finishing things

The ROM images basically are all those for the carts I own, although I do have quite a list....

My favorite ones to play/test...
those "Absolute Crap" demos , Banjo-Tooie, Bomberman 64, Castlevania [LoD], Donkey Kong 64, Gauntlet Legends, GoldenEye 007, Mario Kart 64, Mario Party, Ms. Pac-Man: Maze Madness, Quest 64 (EEP! *hides in bushes*), "mario" (lolXD as zilmar calls it), Super Smash Bros., virtualchess, Zelda Majora's Mask

Gerhalt 1327670603000 #340

Your own plugins? Hmmmm, sounds intriguing! Can you reveal some info on several details regarding them? Audio/video ones, utilizing DX or OGL? What sort of audio/video stuff do they allow to adjust? Perhaps, there are certain filters are integrated into, which ones?

Jabo 1327688210000 #341

Cool thanks for the support guys, let's try to stick to Jnes related things though.

Iconoclast 1327706485000 #342

Mhmm, don't mention it.

Gerhalt 1327756658000 #343

@ Iconoclast
Okay, now what NES/Famicom images do you own? The ones corresponding to actual carts of yours, right?

@ Jabo
I'd also like to know at least few of your carts. Will you reveal the names?

Iconoclast 1327777161000 #344

Hm I'm not sure if this is okay to post really but honestly I just got an NES as a family something-to-do in 2003, with The Legend of Zelda, The Three Stooges, and those Mario bros. games featuring Duck Hunt and something else.

It's kinda sad but I use Jnes to play those games mostly. I'd direct this reply to another blog topic if I knew one that wasn't old/dead and about just gaming though I guess at this stage in the discussion it's hard to maintain talking about testing the program here.

Jabo 1327829834000 #345

It's fine was more mentioning it in reference to the N64 related things, The Legend of Zelda is one of my favorites as well as you guys know This is really one of the few active threads, not much of a consolation prize but I do visit emutalk a bit more these days. Although I have to confess sometimes it get a bit depressing lol.
REPLY updated 1327831649000

Gerhalt 1327843139000 #346

sometimes it get a bit depressing lol.

What do you mean exactly? Somewhat discussion on emutalk?

Jabo 1327864566000 #347

Hehe was kidding a bit, but since you asked I was reflecting on the wide variety of users there, some the nicest people and friends of mine, others a bit rude and quite demanding. Internet can be a strange a place at times! They have a fantastic community though, I definitely recommend it.
REPLY updated 1327864887000

Gerhalt 1327928025000 #348

Ummm, Jabo, what do you think of SNESORAMA forum? I'd like to hear your opinion on it. Can you somehow compare it to emutalk - advantages/flaws?

Jabo 1327944007000 #349

I really don't know anything about it, I wouldn't be able to compare it, I'd probably be partial to emutalk since I know people there.

Iconoclast 1328029021000 #350

Hm without a doubt mostly every forum that's not tremendously or professionally organized starts off better than the progressions. With ROM piracy sites and such or other sites like SNES-o-rama which, I think ? is at least links to copyrighted stuff otherwise if not ROMs, last I checked, there aren't as many people who are both a) knowledgeable (don't have to know a damn thing to pirate something lol) and b) willing to contribute for the sake of others. So lots of demanding with related facilities, by any means.

Zophar's is like as dead as it gets now. Shit hit the fan with the higher-level decisions brought there , although like EmuTalk (but I don't think quite as much insofar as what's new) remains a helpful source for working with contributions, projects...maybe since Zophar was so much more valued as a general emulation/hacking community is the converse to EmuTalk's retained community work for a site that originally started out hosting revolutionary projects with an initial bias for N64. Copying news sources or just having social forums crying over inactivity is kinda shit by comparison.

Erm, oh, and I could never actually beat Legend of Zelda at the second quest (you know, the one you can jump to just by naming your file "ZELDA"), that stuff was just too tense for me . The first half was already fun enough for me. The 3 stooges game was just lulzy XD
REPLY updated 1328029176000

Gerhalt 1328062523000 #351

Now you talk! Okay, any thoughts concerning EMUPARADISE? Will you please describe it the way you did right away, eh? Extended answer is preferable.

Iconoclast 1328114636000 #352

oh I was away the past couple of days lol, sorry, just assumed pretty much that chatting here wouldn't be a good idea so tried to concentrate, sounded like it can work out fine though

From what I've heard (and seen) the site you mentioned is like a much more extended archive of some especially copyrighted stuff, than SNES-o-rama, or however the hell that's supposed to be capitalized. (Well it's probably just Pig Latin for, "Download shit here.") It's also one of the more popular places people keep talking about to get R*Ms from, but apparently it had a bunch of other shit like console SDKs and stuff. Haven't bothered to look since well before any of this SOPA stuff started stirring.

But, all I'm really getting these days is DOS games, rather than any of that stuff. Even got one of those old hard disk menu interfaces that's like, way better than using Windows 1.01 (on DOSBox, piece of shit just boots up, starts making rapid clicks and freezes over a few mouse moves lmao!) to manage DOS system.

heh I'm not really into the habit of talking about ROM sites anywhere though...different subject maybe?

Jabo 1328441287000 #353

a lot of the popular sites of past aren't as active these days, probably a lot of reasons we could rant about. I know a lot of the rom sites had forums as well, but they aren't that attractive to me at least.

Iconoclast 1328458815000 #354

Though I don't much look at ROM sites anymore I must say lol, last I checked, it's just a bunch of people competitively uploading stuff or directing people to do or use this or that for the software and taking copyright-like credit for everything. I mean nobody on the internet owns the shit (unless you worked for Nintendo); it can't be "stolen" from you or other sites. Huge ego issues.

Yet all that goes on is a bunch of naive chats between wannabes or just hives of people waiting for a higher version number of a utility to get released.

No doubt though oddly...I can't think of any site involving public communications that was (EDIT, "wasn't") more active in the past than it is now. Even though I feel like there is a system of explanations I keep thinking like it all coincides to something apocalyptic, not that there is merit in anticipating that sort of thing.
REPLY updated 1328458950000

HQX 1328582581000 #355

Hey Gerhalt, if you are looking for a website that has the best and most cheat codes (Game Genie, PAR) for retro game systems, such as NES, SNES, and Genesis... then visit/join the website "gshi dot org" also known as "gamehacking dot org". I'm a member there. You will be blown away of how many Game Genie codes they have. And more codes continue to get made every day. If you join their forum with the same user name that you are using now, Gerhalt, I will message you and welcome you. Just to give you an example of how many codes they have... just for the game, Super Mario Bros., they have more than 700 Game Genie codes. Yes, you read correctly, over 700 Game Genie codes just for one game! They have a total of over 30,000 NES cheat codes. They have about 40,000 SNES cheat codes. I hope to see you there.

Gerhalt 1328622035000 #356

Hey bro! Glad to see you around. Look, why doncha access this site from your 'permanent' IP and ask Jabo to let you join? I'm sure everyone here will welcome you! Don't hesitate, go on!

OK, actually I'm not that big fan of cheating or somehow modifying the actual gameplay process in order to ease it or anything. We ALREADY have it (I mean 'fair' cheating) - it's quick saves, no? There are plenty of games which I just couldn't beat because of their difficulty. By means of an emu I managed to play through almost every I had wished to...
Well, anyways, I'll visit the place you mentioned and have a look.
REPLY updated 1328668545000

HQX 1329787409000 #357

Yea, the Famicom Contra had a story line. The U.S. Contra did not. There are minor differences in some games when comparing Japanese release and a U.S. release.

Gerhalt 1330394328000 #358

It's so still here... Spooks are about to roam this forsaken place. No way I'm letting it happen!
OK I've just broken that stupid silence, so it's up to us to keep the thread alive.
Damn, it feels like I'm flooding for no apparent reason... Crap!

HQX 1333308833000 #359

Just keepin it alive...

I checked out the Jnes forum on emutalk... it appears that it has been inactive for about a year. It's sad seeing forums that were once alive and jumping to being practically dead.

Iconoclast 1333580992000 #360


I feel like a fucking nut for making that XD

sorry heh, dead thread and all and not the right site for plugin boasts

Anonymous 1334452938000 #361

Ironclast... I see that you got banned from the forum of coolrom. You were a senior member with thousands of posts. Why did you got banned?

Iconoclast 1334470204000 #362


Assuming you're referring to a ROM site let's not talk about those thanks.

My, that place does sound familiar.

Would you happen to be someone I would recognize from there?

Anonymous 1334518694000 #363


No. I am nobody you know. I'm somewhat of a noob and I was browsing forums and I remembered seeing your username at that forum. When I doubled checked to make sure it was the same username, I saw that you had "banned" written under your name. So I was just curious as to why they banned someone like you that had thousands of posts?

Iconoclast 1334569459000 #364

I guess I like to think about solutions in a process-of-elimination perspective.

So I eliminated myself.

Anonymous 1334700589000 #365

Why did you want to "eliminate"/ban yourself after spending all that time communicating on that forum?

Sorry for being nosy. I'm a noob to the scene and a curious as to why someone would do something like that because I didn't see any serious argument or altercation between you and others. So I'm curious as to why one would want to ban his own self forever?

Iconoclast 1334725925000 #366

A variety of reasons is not enough for me to seek my own ban; as time grew on, it was my feeling and intuition that told me it was the best path to decide.

Sometimes facts and logic put in plain perspective is not complete.

I have always been a very eccentric kid. I registered at that site because I had a very delayed development of starting to learn about emulation. I had a very delayed development of starting to learn about emulation because I grew up with a piss-poor public social development.

As for that site, even though practically everybody I knew there was a hateful, predictable, selfish "ROM kiddie" that knew nothing about computer science or engineering, I was good enough at unconsciously changing myself every day that I only needed one more person left there to help me change who I was. And he left as a result of his own back-wrenched social ego and hyper-passive depression.

So with all ultimate objectives out of that way, the future was mostly clear for me to envision. I would continue to have my ass kissed by backstabbers over trivial, in-eminent things like how old of a member I was or how I used to be a moderator, while being socially taken advantage of regardless.

So rather than this being a question of who I did or did not get along with, or my view of future or past generations sucking worse than another, it is more a question of what remained for me to experience and learn from. I felt my experience was complete, although it was not necessarily my predetermination to get banned permanently. Hell, I didn't wish anyone to be confused or notice about my ban; I just wanted to stop being a source of everybody's ego.

Also, you should know that "ROM sites", fall under the category of those sites led by "Internet entrepreneurs", who do have a dream of giving service but, ultimately use words and excuses to mask the reality that they are familiar with domains, Internet web servers, business, advertising, any of that marketing stuff that capitalizes their property in the open. You might get them to admit this, or you might not. It's a necessary selfishness, but I'm too different from anyone else to the point where it's just involving yourself into somebody's play-world filled up by a bunch of puppets.

It's a shame I can't discuss this elsewhere somehow as I really don't feel comfortable posting about this on a NES blog, but I feel obligated to answer since I still respect your concerns.

Anonymous 1334878428000 #367

That was a deep explanation, heh. OK, I think I understand. Thanks for explaining. So, presently what's your main forum that you contribute most often at?

Iconoclast 1334889232000 #368

I can never really help it XD my understanding of the situation is the only reason I can explain the situation. So since I'm driven to think hard about a lot of things I tend to not be good at keeping explanations simplistic.

That's hard to say. Over the years I haven't been so much into the forum circle thing, but, even now I'm still a member of pretty much tens of forums. I barely think about a vast majority of them except from time-to-time, so it's true that I do have relative "main forums". And since I'm determined to go a little free and crazy on many of them XD I can expect consequences for having a single main forum, because anybody can be banned for any reason. I don't really have my own forum though I was curious to mess around with one and learn PHP I guess.

I can tell you probably the one I'm most active at is a custom-made, minimalist chess discussion forum XD

Jabo 1334990285000 #369

ah was wondering what was up in this old post, maybe you two should exchange email addresses and catchup?
REPLY updated 1334994741000

Iconoclast 1334996589000 #370

I'm not giving my e-mail address out in public...
I posted here because I didn't have a choice.

Anyway, I'm pretty much done. Not like we know each other or something.
REPLY updated 1334996910000

squall_leonhart 1339104539000 #371

TL;DR, summary, Iconoclast realised he was madly in love with Zilmar who would've return his affection

Bob 1386060279000 #372

Hi I downloaded Jnes but when I load rom my keyboard is not working and I am not able to play the games . Any help would be appreciated

Gerhalt 1386422194000 #373

okay, Bob look, I'll try to help you, but first gotta ask you this: what version of the emu did you grab? hopefully, you got the latest 1.1.1. if you wonder why I'm asking this - it's because every official release has its own thread within the site, so I assume queries related to the specific version should be in the appropriate places, unless...

anyway, regarding your trouble - did you have a look at the keys assignment dialog box, eh? if not, then you'd better do it (menu/input config), and oh there's a drop-down menu right next to the bind field, it offers 3 options: disconnected, joypad & zapper. the option 'joypad' must be selected or your keyboard will do nothing within a game itself. then, if you feel comfortable with the default buttons layout - you're (almost) set to play.
in case you did everything described above, then the problem might come from your Direct Input API which is actually much worse and means you'll have to perform many technical stuff in order to figure out what exactly causes that trouble... anyway, try the way mentioned, then report back there: http://jabosoft.com/articles/126#bottom unless you're using an older version like 1.0.2

tl;dr 1386543890000 #374

squall_leonhart wrote:
TL;DR, summary, Iconoclast realised he was madly in love with Zilmar who would've return his affection

Nothing in the entirety of that excessively longwinded stuff I wrote, had anything to do with "Zilmar", liar.

The lot of you all except Jabo are the only ones obsessed with either Project64 or zilmar at this point.

Dragon 1401761022000 #375

You have to release JNes for the Gamestick. It's time.

wickedsunny 1406056220000 #376

Hey ... I had some extension ideas for JNES/Project 64.

Why don't we add a LAN support for multiplayer. (People can connect their emulator to the host, and then they can view the same screen and play as if they were sitting side by side).
Also, we can add a voice chat for the emulator.

I am a beginner kernel developer... I am looking for a group of people who would be interested in developing this.

wickedsunny 1406080205000 #377

or How about port the JNES to Linux and Mac ? .. anybody want to do that ?

Jabo 1406583608000 #378

Why don't we add a LAN support for multiplayer.

Thanks but I'm not interested in that, there are other emulators that do it better at this point as well. Currently Jnes supports kaillera so you are welcome to play with that.