Announcing Jnes for Android!

posted by Jabo Jnes
Jnes is now available for Android 2.3 platforms and higher on Google Play. This is exciting for me as it is the first platform I've ported Jnes to in the many years I have been working on it. I decided to port Jnes as I have been using Android devices for about a year now, and it has become apparent that there is probably more people using these mobile devices than Windows computers. There are many of the same features in the Android version, with more to come. It just got added to the store yesterday I'll be posting screenshots here as soon as I can.
Comments 56

Yoshistar95 1357197608000 #1

Even more users will be pleased about this emulator good job

Dzirit 1357294374000 #2

Hello. Can u create jnes emul for winphone 8 ?

srdevil 1357334183000 #3

This is great news, I've been using another emulator on my Android device but I like the way JNes is. I hope coverarts do work for Android, I can't get this working on my Windows 8 PC (not tried on other Windows OS's thought)

I've modded my USB Nes controller to a NES Controller with USB stick inside it for if I do have my tablet, so Jnes is just in time!

Jabo 1357416773000 #4

Cool thanks I hope you do check it out, Jnes is new to the Android market, cover art is a feature that is planned for the near future as you can tell from the current screen shots it's part of the current layout.

Hello. Can u create jnes emul for winphone 8 ?

I'm not opposed to it, it would certainly be easier for me since it is a windows platform, however I would like to see if the Android version is well received first.

g+1 1357419301000 #5

I love jnes on pc and will try it on my tablet.

Yoshistar95 1357420921000 #6

I wish I could try it on my tablet... the first is, it's 2.2.1 and it download no more memory won't return and USB is disabled (same for SD cards).

Could you also make one for the Symbian phones? I have a Samsung Omnia HD, and it would be great if Jnes is also compatible for the Symbian system then I can play NES games too when the pc isn't available

But of course, let's see if the Android version suits well for the users

Dzirit 1357456228000 #7

So I hope jnes for Droid will be good prog and next u will do it for winphone8

adam 1358029094000 #8

bought the app haven't figured out how to play a game yet... i know I have rom mnt / flash card / roms / nes directory... jnes isn't find them...

Blu3melt 1358088006000 #9

This just brings tears to my eyes... Love the classics

Telmo 1358376728000 #10

Hello. Is this app available for all countries? I'm not being able to dload it..

Jabo 1358384323000 #11

looks like I missed a few countries please try again the store should be updated tomorrow

Dzirit 1358434202000 #12

so, Jabo.
Will jnes born in wp8?

JBrahms 1358814298000 #13

Does anyone else have the issue of the emulator starting to run choppy after about thirty seconds of running the game with sound and tripple-buffering turned off in fullscreen mode? The game runs fine with tripple-buffering turned on, and my computer is well beyond the system requirements. In fact, the emulator runs fine with tripple-buffering turned off as long as the sound is also off. The problem only happen with tripple buffering turned off and sound turned on, which is my desired configuration.

I'd like to be able to run the game in full screen mode with tripple buffering turned off in order to avoid the input lag associated with vertical-sync.

AuroraKet 1359573206000 #14

Will the bugs be fixed in the Android version? Right now the star wars rom doesn't want to play, it stays on a black screen after hitting 'select' on the death star. Can't change characters or anything. sigh.

Jabo 1359812792000 #15

Will the bugs be fixed in the Android version? Right now the star wars rom doesn't want to play

I downloaded Star Wars and it seemed to play fine, can you be more specific about what's not working? Send an email to me via the android market page if need more timely help.

AuroraKet 1359849992000 #16

I mean from the PC version, I'm having trouble in the PC version with select and start on the controller leaving the screen black and never recovering. will check on the android version.

MWink 1360195546000 #17

Any chance of this coming to the Amazon app store and working on the Kindle Fire as well as other Android devices? This is good but that would be even better.

Jabo 1360510307000 #18

It's hard to say, it depends on whether I come across a Kindle Fire to play around with and what the Amazon store policies are. Right now the focus will be on the Android version.

BlackMoonWolf 1360869769000 #19

Hey Jabo. Just updated my review in the Google Play market.

I've enjoyed that you've been putting out updates for JNES on Android. Things seem to be coming along. But... We seem to be having a few issues here and there now with performance.

I'll just paste what I said in my review.

PERFORMANCE degraded after updates. No options.
[REVIEW EDITED/UPDATED: 14FEB13 4/5 --> 3/5 - Jabo continues to be responsive and is still working on issues.] We're making progress...but seem to be taking a step back as well. PROS: Controller issues seem to have been resolved. My genuine SNES controller works on USB2Go. My Red Samurai (bluetooth) works. JNES seems to have perfect sound compatibility. (Something Jabo has always been great about.) CONS: Performance WAS perfect but, after updates, is now taking a severe hit. Seeing issues with screen tearing (15% down the screen - from the top). Also some frame rate drops and refresh/frame skip(?) issues causing artifacts and/or 'transparency' (e.g. spawn invincibility in Contra) causing objects to be invisible. Settings continue to be VERY basic for now. (No tweaks or performance options available...yet.) The only options to adjust are: "Enable Stereo Audio", "Enable Virtual Gamepad" and "Enable Touch Zapper." I've been a big fan of Jabo's works for some time and have no doubt that this emulator will eventually become top dog - AS USUAL. Make sure you visit his site (jabosoft) and give feedback! Community think-tanking is a great way to make this the best NES emulator! (^_^)

I'm afraid that the performance hit really threw me a curve ball. I didn't expec that. Especially on my S3.

I hated to do it but...that prompted me to bring it down a notch to 3 stars. Sorry man... Just being honest. It's not to say that it's bad. It's just the current state of the app from my own perspective. (Yeah. I feel kinda bad.)

If you have any questions or want more specific info, let me know and I'll get it to ya when I can. I want to help however I can.

Some basic info and side-notes: I am using a well-maintained S3. I tried disabling WiFi and Bluetooth with all other apps killed. I also tried after a reboot with no foreground apps. Still having issues.

To be more specific on performance:
- There is a frequent screen tear about 10%-15% of the way down the screen from the top.
- When playing Contra (my usual test ROM) your character is supposed to appear as 'flickering' or 'invisible' when he first spawns. Instead, you hear him spawn but there is no trace of him until the spawn invincibility effect wears off. After that, there is a solid image of your character. It's as though spawn invincibility is caused by alternating "On" and "Off" frames of the character...and the screen is only displaying the "Off" frames until the spawn invincibility runs out.

^ Did that make ANY sense?

Also having issues with what appears to be dropped frames. It's a bit laggy.

Anyway... That's what's going on here.

Just thought you might like to know. I can't complain and not provide info that might help. I WANT to see this at 5 stars! (^_^)

BlackMoonWolf 1360869961000 #20

Hmm... It didn't ask me to "log in" as I expected it I was not able to leave contact info.

You can reach me at cyrylthewolf at gmail if you like.

Jabo 1361021513000 #21

^ Did that make ANY sense?

Absolutely made sense thanks for getting in touch with me, you can always email me through the google market as well if you like, and yes posting here does not require registration currently.

As to your problems with tearing and performance, I'm aware of them as well, there is a major update in the works actually, working on it again this weekend. The update you reviewed was for a user who was having random IO Exceptions during rom enumeration. Anyway I was going to drop you an email after reading your updated review, glad we could share the information here, the ratings do matter and I want the emulator to work properly

DJVeronica 1363085219000 #22

Just wondering.. what happened to the compatibility? I downloaded this before on my Galaxy S2 and it worked fine, but now Google Play market says that it's not compatible with any of my devices, including the Nexus 7.

Jabo 1363195353000 #23

Just wondering.. what happened to the compatibility?

Not sure what you mean, but more recent versions require OpenGL, however every popular device made in recent years supports that.

I took a look in the developer console for Google Market and all Samsung Galaxy S II phones are supported, as well as the Nexus 7 - I actually happen to do all my testing on a Nexus 7. Are you running stock firmware? Send me an email through the google market and I'll see what I can do to help you further.

don 1364865227000 #24

This is a great emulator for android! I especially like the clean and polished looking interface. Just wondering if theres any way to manually change or add to the nes covers on the game list?

DJVeronica 1364865410000 #25

Thank you for getting back to me. I have a Galaxy S2 Lte edition, stock rom. I should probably mention also that im in South Korea

Kadersalad 1364931330000 #26

The Ouya is Android Based. IS it possible there may Jnes Support for that?

Jabo 1364947386000 #27

Thank you for getting back to me. I have a Galaxy S2 Lte edition, stock rom. I should probably mention also that im in South Korea

This is probably because the app was not published in South Korea (I dont speak Korean so I wasn't sure if I should do that). I've updated the store to allow users in South Korea to purchase now.

The Ouya is Android Based. IS it possible there may Jnes Support for that?

I've been wondering that myself with all the buzz around Ouya. Jnes is published in the Google Play Store, and I can't tell if Ouya will be using that for application distribution, if they do then you should have no problems finding Jnes.

DJVeronica 1364976389000 #28

that fixed the problem thank you again!

Klex 1366217444000 #29

Where do you put the pics for the cover art. I see no directory in ES File Explorer created by Jnes.

Jabo 1366404646000 #30

Where do you put the pics for the cover art. I see no directory in ES File Explorer created by Jnes.

Artwork is downloaded so there is no place you can copy new artwork unfortunately. New artwork is added almost on a daily basis so feel free to refresh Jnes once in a while to make sure you have the latest cover art. It's also important to make sure you have verified GoodNES roms, some downloaded games have bad headers for example.

If you have a particular game you are concerned with feel free to send me an email through the Google Market page for Jnes and I can try to work out why it is does not have cover art for you.

Osiriss 1367955358000 #31

I would love to be able to input custom artwork as well. And the option to delete file with a long press.

Jabo 1368058377000 #32

Cool those are good ideas I'll add them to the wishlist.

I'm always trying to improve the built in artwork, it requires you have verified known-good ROM files, just thought I'd mention that. Additionally if you find anything that looks wrong please let me know.

Stale 1370014411000 #33

Jnes for the Android is great! I recommend using an MK808 Mini Stick to plug in the back of your tv. Hook up a wireless controller and enjoy.

I hope to try the Kim(online play)thing one day.

Osiriss 1370230968000 #34

Yay!!!I can put my missing artwork now!! Thanks!!! BTW to the other poster I am using it on a mk802IIIs with sixaxis controller.

Eugene.S 1370453704000 #35

Hi, Jabo!
Can you add Dendy-mode (PAL/NTSC Hybrid) to JNES Android (and Windows) please?
This mode allow to run most of NTSC games (Jap, USA) on 50Hz PAL, with correct DPCM sound pitch also.

Here is CORRECT and enough information about timings:
NMI info:
pAPU tables (Noise, DPC??) are same as NTSC:

And here is my very old topic (it's not necessary).
You can listen sound tests and look at oscilloscope

Nintendulator, Nestopia, puNES, Retrocopy, Nesicide and MyNES 5 already support dendy-mode.
Nintendulator name it as "Hybrid".

How-to-test dendy-mode:

First ROM is Battletoads and Double Dragon (U).nes
It must look like:

Second ROM is Journey to Silius (U).
Pitch (4 channels + DPCM) must be like:

lastest nintendulator WIP with dendy (aka hybrid) mode:

Thank you very much.

Jabo 1370697435000 #36

Hi, Jabo!
Can you add Dendy-mode (PAL/NTSC Hybrid) to JNES Android (and Windows) please?

I'll have a look, thanks for sharing the information and all your research.

Eugene.S 1370722524000 #37

Here is the table of differences between Dendy / NES NTSC / NES PAL:

I made it for nesdev forum for more comfortable understanding.
I send it to also

Best regards!
?????????????? ????????????????
emu-russia team

Khaled 1382791679000 #38

Please I can't download in Google because not available In my country
I'm big fan of this emulator for many years

Jabo 1383591557000 #39

Please I can't download in Google because not available In my country

Hi Khaled, I've enabled purchases from your country. You can also email me from the Google Play store.

I try and limit the countries Jnes is available in as I can't communicate with users in every language. However if someone asks I generally just allow them. Let me know if you can download it now on your Android device.

Windy 1383877854000 #40

I have an issue with Star wars on jnes I get a black screen when hit select and start was there a solution to this problem (or is there wasn't mentioned in 1.1.1 update notes

Jabo 1384556276000 #41

I have an issue with Star wars on jnes

I'm afraid I can't reproduce that, I just played Star Wars without any problems, perhaps your particular copy of the game is corrupt or there is additional information to reproduce this problem I would need to know from you.

Bobby 1385529559000 #42

I downloaded the jnes on my tablet and it is freaking fantastic! I do have a question, though. Granted, I will fully admit I am nowhere near tech saviee but I have found that USB based controllers are not working for the games. I've tried all the output options and although they work while selecting a game, they quit working as soon as the game begins. Are we stuck using the touch pad on the screen? Help!!

Polpotkin 1385937812000 #43

I'm having an issue that suddenly occured when I loaded a game in "The guardian legend". As soon as i start the game it seems the d-pad is stuck on Up. It only occurs in this game and it doesn't matter if it's a new or loaded game. I have tried reconfiguring the keyboard, Nothing... Any ideas?

Jabo 1386021929000 #44

I downloaded the jnes on my tablet and it is freaking fantastic! I do have a question, though. Granted, I will fully admit I am nowhere near tech saviee but I have found that USB based controllers are not working for the games.

Jnes for Android supports external USB controllers - to use them you have to go into the settings page and scroll to the bottom, select the player 1 config - change the drop down from touch gamepad to attached devices. If you still have trouble let me know, feel free to email me as well through the app or google play if you still have trouble

It only occurs in this game and it doesn't matter if it's a new or loaded game. I have tried reconfiguring the keyboard

Reconfiguring the keyboard? are you using Jnes for Windows or Android?

Polpotkin 1386065723000 #45

Oups sorry, i'm writing in the wrong thread.

I'm using Jnes for windows. I have tried both keyboard and gamepad. The first time I played the game it was fine.

Choyo 1393931674000 #46

Hey, Jabo! Why not add bilinear filtering to Jnes Windows version just like on Android?

Jabo 1394909376000 #47

Jnes for Windows should have bilinear as well. The default renderer option lets your video card perform the resizing, this is suppose to be bilinear or some equivalent that is hardware accelerated.

Choyo 1395671078000 #48

Well, At first, Jabo, thanks for your reply:), but anyway prior to Windows Vista, the bilinear filtering may work like a charm. But posterior to that, it does have a pixelated effect which is very annoying... The only way to solve this problem at this time is to try to use an app called DXGL.

Jabo 1395964029000 #49

No problem that's kind of interesting. I've seen that happen with legacy graphics hardware. Like if a newer version of Windows doesn't support your video card, the compatibility drivers generally do not implement bilinear filtering.

What graphics hardware are you using? perhaps updating your graphics drivers might be the solution. I can consider adding a real bilinear filter in the future, but truth be told the filter itself is quite ugly, have you thought about just using another filter instead?

Choyo 1397199867000 #50

LOL, thanks in advance! I prefer bilinear filtering plus another filter effect and I guess the missing bilinear effect is due to the obsolete DirectDraw API(Maybe considering changing into newer Direct3D9 or Direct3D10). It's a shame that Only WinXP can do this mojo automatically though. ))) BTW, my video card is ATI Radeon HD4330.

Gamestick 1398826315000 #51

Gamestick is now open to emulators, however no one has stepped up and released one on this portable android console. Would it be hard to port it from Google Store and sell it on Gamestick?
The JNes would do well on there.

Dragon 1399168417000 #52

I hope the JNES gets put on the Gamestick.

Jabo 1400339733000 #53

I hope the JNES gets put on the Gamestick.

I wish I had the time, unfortunately there are a few of these Android consoles that to use their own store instead of Google Play, it puts developers in a tough spot to support all of them. My suggestion would be to ask them to support provide their users with access to Google Play somehow, otherwise it might be a bad investment.

Dragon 1403022151000 #54

I understand. I wish they would. It would make way more sense.
Jnes is mentioned in a site for the Gamestick
gamestickgamingdotwebsdotcom under the more tab and games the stick needs

Windroid 1409297903000 #55

I'm have save state files (.jst) from my laptop. I just installed jnes on my android. I copied the jst file to the android, but I cannot load the state. How can I use the same save state on both my windows and android?

Jabo 1409792995000 #56

I copied the jst file to the android, but I cannot load the state.

You should just be able to place the JST file on your phone next to where you have the game stored, make sure they have the same file title. Jnes for Android should support importing JST instant saves from Windows, however there is a bug in the Windows version that prevents using instant saves from Android.

If you want to copy saves back and forth, you are better off using the native SAV file if it is available, this is the battery backed RAM file from the cartridge and will work on all versions. Hope this this makes sense.